Noah Schnapp

93 3 9

Power: Telekinesis
Date: Sunday, June 10th
Time: Unknown
Location: Unknown
Summer Vacation

We rushed around, checking everyone, including the people we didn't know. 

There was one thing that stood out to me. 

They were all kids.

We rushed to the next person when it finally dawned on me. 

Kids are afraid of the dark, and this was a shadow. It wanted their fear. 

"Noah, come on, I see Riley," Lana hissed from her spot ahead of me. 

"Fear," I mumbled

"What?" Kitty said, standing up straight. 

"It feeds on fear," I said, feeling a flashlight flick on in my head, "It's a shadow and kids are afraid of the dark usually, these are all kids."

Lana's shoulders loosened and droop. 

"So if you aren't afraid, you survive?" Kitty asked, tossing her hands in the air. 

"No, I was terrified, yet I'm alive," I said, looking at Lana. Her eyes grew wide. She whipped her head over at Kitty.

"What happened to you, how did you survive?" Lana spoke at the speed of light, causing Kitty to make a face.

"Uh, I don't know I guess I just did," She said shrugging. 

I could barely make out dried tears on Lana's cheeks in the glow of Kitty's flame. 

"You, Tyler, Noah, and I," She said, "We don't feel pain unless it's only a little bit of it, when I was stabbed, I didn't feel it!"

"And?" Kitty said raising an eyebrow. 

"And, everyone but the four of us can feel pain!" Lana said tossing her hands in the air, "There's something about us that's different!"

"We don't know if Tyler's even alive," Kitty furrowed her eyebrows.

"But I think he is," Lana said, her tone spiked with exhilaration.

 "Me too," I added, "He's alive I can feel it we just have to-"

I felt the light bulb go off again.

"Try using Jackey's power," I said, my head poking forward.

"What?" Kitty snapped.

"Just, try," I said, pestering her.  

Kitty closed her eyes for a long time and then opened them. Her eyes lost their hope.

"I can't," She said, her voice hoarse and crackly. 

"Because she's dead," I said raising an eyebrow, "How were you just able to use Riley's power."

Lana's mouth dropped and she turned around to see Riley up against the wall, "You're a genius!" She clapped me on the shoulder with her hand and ran to Riley.

Lana and I peeled her from the wall and gently laid her on the ground. Lana began CPR and Kitty ran to find the others. 

"Will you be okay if I go?" I asked Lana. She looked up at me from where she was beginning chest compressions on Riley and smiled. 

"You don't need to protect me," She said, looking back down at Riley. She counted to thirty then blew air into Riley's mouth.

I nodded and ran off to find someone else. 

I shined my flashlight along the wall and then I spotted him. 


He was pale and his eyes drooped far into their sockets. It was worth a try. 

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