Tyler Griffith

57 2 2

Power: Invisibility
Date: Sunday, June 10th
Time: 1:18 am
Location: Club House
Summer Vacation

A ear piercing scream ripped through the still night air sending everyone who was asleep in the sitting room up out of their slumber.

But then the silence after the scream made my blood turn cold.

Noah's face was flushed white and he was heaving.

I was the first one to stand up and run to the door.

I flung it open and the only thing that was there was a candle.

"What the fuck?" I said, my arm falling from the door handle.

I looked around, then saw a streak of a deep maroon trailing down the ramp.

The girls ran in from their room, and it was completely silent.

I hesitantly walked out and grabbed the candle, holding it out in front if me, as I made my way, barefoot down the ramp.

The blood went down the ramp and into the grass where it was harder to see.

I looked back at Noah, my eyes wide.

"Blood," I said, morning voice had already crept into my tone.

"Tyrone and Jackey are gone," Lana said, placing her hand in Noah's shoulder.

Noah's hand went up and grasped hers, pulling himself into her and crying into her shoulder.

Lana rubbed up and down his back and Mia started heaving and sobbing.

"Are they dead?" Kitty asked, her voice quivery.

"I-I don't know," I stuttered, tears filling my eyes.

"We have to find them," Riley said, stepping forward, not a single drop of fear anywhere to be found on her expression. She was a true leader.

"We do," I said, pressing my lips together so hard that they turned white.

We all rushed inside and Noah was stl crying as we made a plan.

"We don't even know where to go," Jason said, his voice sounding remarkably better.

"The blood, we can follow the blood," Lana said , still holding onto Noah.

I nodded, looking back at Jason.

We were all crowded around a table and as we talked, the sun began to creep up.

Eventually we came up with a plan, but I wasn't so sure about it.

I was really hoping that this would work.

it was around 4 am and the sun was giving the sky a beautiful purple glow.

I was standing outside admiring it when a voice came from behind me.

"Oh I hope they're at least somewhere where they could see this," Riley said, walking up beside me.

"Yeah," I said in a breathy voice. My head dropped down. I just wanted to find them so bad.

I walked back inside, leaving Riley on the deck. We all got dressed in the appropriate attire. Lana looked pretty Badass.

She had skinney jeans on with black leather combat boots and a light grey v neck shirt with a black leather jacket. She had her hair in her signature half up half down with her bags hanging out the side.

Riley was wearing black jeans and converse with a cargo jacket and a blue t-shirt. She couldn't do much with her hair since it was so short, but she took some of The one's hair gel and gelled it back like a greener from the 50s.

Halfway Human Book 1 // Midnight EvilWhere stories live. Discover now