Kitty Roseville

63 2 8

Power: Power Replication
Date: Sunday, June 10th
Time: Unknown
Location: Unknown
Summer Vacation

I moved my flaming hand around, looking for different tunnels to go down when I heard a muffled voice in the distance. 

"Guys?" I think it was Tyler. 

"Shit, he never got out, where is he?" I said spinning around. 

"I don't know, probably where we left him," Skyler said, pointing her flashlight behind her. Then her face turned white. 

There were four tunnels in front of her. I gulped.

"Tyler?" Lana yelled into the tunnels. She pointed to Noah, gesturing him to come over, "Skyler, stay there shining light, Riley and Jason, guard on the opposite side, everyone else, walk a little into each tunnel and whoever hears his voice loudest, we go that way."

I nodded and walked into the tunnel on the far right, Mia went beside me, Lana beside her, and Noah on the far left. We all yelled into the tunnels at once and fell silent. 

There was nothing in return for anyone.

Then I heard a low growl from behind me. 

"Guys...?" Jason said in a slow eery voice. 

I turned to see three creatures creeping out of the main tunnel, on all fours walking like a black cat, ready to pounce. 

"Use your fire!" Lana shouted at Riley. Riley nodded and made a second fireball, chucking it at one of the creatures. It squealed and hit the wall. Jason stepped back and placed one hand in front of him and the other on his temple, focusing on one of them as I ran, ready with two fireballs. Riley was making another one and I fired one at the one going after Riley and the other at the one getting up from where it hit the wall. 

The other one threw its head in pain and screeched so loud that it made my ears ring. 

Noah ran over, one hand up and threw the creature at the wall. It cried out in pain again and Riley threw another fireball. 

I looked back at Lana, she had her fists clenched and she looked at me, "I'm gonna go find him!"

Noah heard this and turned around, "No! Wait!" He ran for a few steps, then stopped. 

Lana looked back at him, furrowing her eyebrows, "What if you don't come back?" I could sense tears building up in his eyes.

"Then it gives you one more reason to fight," Lana ran into the tunnel, and I heard a whoosh, then the sound of a hawk.

I turned back and fired again at the creatures. I heard a scream and a crash behind me. Another creature was on to of Noah, and around 10 more were leaking out of the tunnels, except for the one Lana had gone through. I gasped and looked over at Mia. 

Skyler was holding her wedding style in the air, Mia was having a vision. 

I charged a the creature on tog of Noah. He shrieked as it dug a claw into his cheek and down his chest, blood seeping through his shirt.

I rammed into the side of the four legged beast, sending it into the wall. Oh how helpful Tyrone would be right now. 

Tears filled my eyes thinking of what that creature could have done to him. 

Noah got up, and pressed his hand to his chest, picking up blood as he took it off, "I don't feel it."

He looked back up at the creatures, "I don't feel it." 

She charged at them, throwing them at walls and smashing their heads. Riley continued to throw fireballs and Jason was confusing them all. Skyler was still helping out Mia and I was underneath one of them. 

Halfway Human Book 1 // Midnight EvilWhere stories live. Discover now