Jason Grice

86 3 2

Power: Illusion
Date: Saturday, June 9th
Time: 7:38 pm
Location: Club House
Summer Vacation

"She said she saw a shadow," Lana said, panting a little as she ran into the room.

"A shadow?" I asked, "Coming from what?"

"She said it wasn't coming from something," Lana said, burrowing her eyebrows, "She said it was something, like that was the danger."

"The danger," Noah muttered, "The danger."

He tapped his foot on the floor and crossed his arms, his hand going up to his chin.

"The danger!" He finally shouted, his finger sticking up in the air as if there were a lightbulb above it, "The shadow is what's taking the kids!"

"Because..." I said, finally trying to think for once.

"Kids are afraid of the dark," Lana said, her eyes growing wide, "Fear! It prays on fear!"

"And most people are afraid of the dark!" Sky chimed in, "It uses the darkness to frighten them and feeds on the fear!"

"Oh my god," Tyrone said, "Maybe we can beat this thing."

"We can," Kitty said, grinning at the adventure.

"Fight fire with fire," Riley said, raising her hands a bit.

"But it's darkness," Tyler said, watching her.

"I know, if I can just..." Her voice sounded tense and strained, "Do it again..."

Then black ooze started coming out of her fingertips. Her eyes grew wide and her lips curled back, revealing a grimace.

"That," She sighed, stopping the flow of the black goo.

"Wow, how'd you do that?" Noah asked, getting closer to her. They were cute together I thought.

"I don't know, it just kinda happened the day I figured it put and I was playing with it a bit." Riley said, sounding just as confused as the rest of us.

"I bet you could like..." I started, then shook my head, losing my train of thought, "Nevermind."

The reason I lost my train of thought was because of her. Lana

Those perfect eyes locked on me, causing my mind to freeze in time. My heart melted as She bit her lip and looked away from me.

I really screwed up last time we broke up.

We broke up because we almost... well, I tried to have sex with her.

I guess she wasn't ready because she freaked out as I slid my hand down the front of her small shorts.

She pushed me off and stood up, looking terrified. I should have talked to her first, and I should have talked to her before she walked out on me. I just sat there, frozen in time, wondering what I had done wrong.

No I know what I did wrong.

I felt mybeyes burning the back of her head as I stared, recalling that moment.

That had been the worst break up yet for me, we were going so well after all the little breaks we had, but now I felt like there was no getting her back.

I sighed and closed my eyes, feeling the distance between us grow larger.

"I need to go outside," Lana's voice rose above the rest, as if my brain had magnified it.

I looked up at her as she began to dig into her back pocket and open the door.

I hesitated before walking out after her.

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