Jackey Hemmings

44 2 1

Power: Telepathy
Date: Unknown
Time: Unknown
Location: Unknown
Summer Vacation

It was almost like my head had a second heartbeat.

I tried to wiggle my toes, nothing moved. I tried wiggling anything, the only thing I could move were my eyes. Yet they were useless sense I was in pitch black.

I gulped and felt the ground shake a little, a slow soft rumble.

I heard a deep gravely rumble come from in front of me. It was a sound from deep in someone's throat.

Or something.

I tried to move, I really tried, but I couldn't.

I opened my mouth to at least say something, but the only thing that came out was a low gurgle.

Thudding for louder and closer to me, and it stopped inches from my face.

I could smell it. It smelled of rotten eggs and burnt tar, with a little bit of decaying flesh.

I felt slime being dripped on my nose, and that low gravely rumble was in my face now.

I was gonna die.

Mwahaha a rlly short chapter so that u aren't completely in the dark about what's going on okay cool . I also published 2 today bc this one is short okay yay.

Halfway Human Book 1 // Midnight EvilWhere stories live. Discover now