Noah Schnapp

163 5 2

Power: Telekinesis
Date: Saturday, June 9
Time: 3:02 pm
Location: Neighborhood Park
Summer Vacation


I sighed as I slouched farther into the park bench. I read the text again and frowned.

Tyler: Not gonna be able to make it, my mom found out about Thursday, see you never bc she probably gonna ground me forever. Don't worry, I said u and Lana weren't involved.

Well, there goes my plans for this afternoon.

On Thursday, him, me, and Lana got a little drunk out in the woods, I have no idea how his mom found out.

I decided I didn't want to head home just yet.

I looked around and surveyed the few people that were there.

A little boy and his mom were playing on the slide. She keeled at the bottom and he slid down into her arms. The boy couldn't have been more than 4 years old, his dark curly hair and freckles reminded me of Tyler.

I looked around more. Two girls, maybe 9 or 10, were swinging together, laughing and chatting like hyenas.

A old man and woman were seated on the park bench on the other side of the playground. They were holding hands and it made me wish that I could grow up to have someone still by my side. I know who is want it to be, but I don't think it would ever happen.

I scanned more, and saw a girl with fiery red hair drawing in her sketchbook.

For some reason, She stood out to me. Maybe it was her hair, maybe it was her vibe. She seemed... different.

I sat for a while longer, people watching a bit more.

I was watching the little kid and his mom for a little while when I heard someone's breath hitch and a groan from the part bench.

I looked over at the girl with red hair and she didn't notice me. I saw her with her hand in front of her face, tiny ash like things sprouting from her fingers.

She tried to blow them out as they became flames. She shook her hand and tried to hide it, but I knew what it was.

I had found her. The one Mia was talking about.

I sat up and watched her shove her things in her purple drawstring bag and begin walking quickly with her hands in her pockets and her head down.

I jumped up as she neared me, her head popping up in surprise.

"What the...!" She recoiled her stance and glanced me up and down.

"Come with me," I said, trying not to sound like a drug dealer.

"No way!" She said. The woman with her child stopped and stared at us.

"Hurry, before you make a scene and burn us all down with your flaming fingers, cha-cha." I said, immediately grabbing her attention.

"Y-you saw?" Her eyes were wide.

"Yes, and don't worry, let me show you something, but I can't show you here," I said, grabbing her arm and dragging her along side me.

Halfway Human Book 1 // Midnight EvilWhere stories live. Discover now