Mia Clayton

144 4 4

Power: Precognition
Date: Saturday, June 9th
Time: 3:46 pm
Location: The Club House in the woods
Summer Vacation


"I'm telling you, they found her," I said from my spot on the floor where I was meditating.

"God, you're such a hippy, M," Kitty said, blowing a puff of smoke into the air, "And yeah maybe they found her."

"Gross, do that outside, Kitty," Skyler said levitating onto the beanbag a few feet away from me.

"What, I'm trying to have a good time," Kitty said, puffing on her cigarette again.

"You all are insane, come meditate with me," I suggested, ignoring the smell of chemicals from Kitty's cancer-stick.

"No way, meditating is gay," Kitty said chuckling.

"But you are gay, Kit," I said giggling.

"I'm not gay!" Kitty said waving her cigarette around, "I'm a girl, I'm not gay, and I'm only half lesbian."

"You're half gay," Skyler giggled, "And so am I."

"For the last time, I'm Bisexual not gay." Kitty said, sounding irritat-ed.

"And so am I," Skyler said, "But I'm still gay."

"You really don't know about your sexualities, do you," I could almost feel kitty roll her eyes as she said that.

"I know plenty," I said, grinning from my place on the floor, "I did plenty of research about all of them when I figured out I was lesbian."

I heard the secret knock on the door. The Morse code knock we came up with.

. . .  . _  . . _ .  .


Sky rushed to the door and I popped my eyes open.

Tyrone and Tyler rushed in.

"Did you get the text?" Tyler asked, holding his phone up.

"Yep," Kitty said, "And didnt you get busted for the weed stunt, how are you here."

"We didn't get high, we got dru-nk," Tyler corrected her, "And I snuck out my window, easy as pie."

"Pie is actually not that easy to make," Sky remarked, sarcas-tically.

"Shut it, Sky," Kitty said rolling her eyes, "It's just a saying."

"A saying with no logic," Sky insisted, raising her eyebrow and pointing her finger at Kitty as ifbsge were scolding her.

"Anyways, where's Jason?" Tyrone asked, sitting ont he couch.

Sky mumbled an 'I don't know' and shrugged.

"He's probably off with Lana," Kitty chuckled.

Lana and Jason had been on and off for a while, and now no one really knew if they were together or not.

"Lana is with Noah, didn't you read the text?" I said, standing up.

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