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지금 내 눈에 제일
아름다운 건 너야 baby
널 향한 내 맘이 돈이면
아마 난 billionaire
널 좋아해

                             지금 내 눈에 제일                          아름다운 건 너야 baby                          널 향한 내 맘이 돈이면                             아마 난 billionaire                                    널 좋아해

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Namjoon sighed as he unlocked the door to his apartment, tossing his backpack in a random direction as he trudged towards his room. Gently nudging the door open, he let out a soft laugh. Jimin is exactly where he'd left him, approximately four hours ago. Dressed in one Namjoon's shirts, and tangled underneath his blankets; mouth slightly parted and hair spread across the pillows as he slept. The opening sequence to some Disney movie is still playing gently in the background. He doesn't bother to turn it off, because Jimin will only pout later and claim that he needed the noise to fill in for Namjoon's snore.

Except, Namjoon doesn't snore anymore, so he's been listening to the same opening sequence for the past two months. Still, he only yanks off his shirt and pants; managing to slip into his joggers without bouncing around the room. He lifts the edge of the comforter, and slides his way under; limbs automatically wrapping around the smaller male.

"You're home?" The other asked, shuffling closer and slipping a leg between Namjoon's thighs.

"You should really open your eyes when someone curls up to you. What if it wasn't me?" He chided softly, brushing Jimin's hair off of his forehead.

"I know that it's you. Smells like you." He mumbled quietly, still refusing to open his eyes.

It's moments like these, where Namjoon ponders over how this all started. There isn't a defining moment in their relationship, that concludes all of the emotions that the older male has been feeling for most of his life. It feels no different from when he used to bandage Jimin's knees up, and kiss over the little SpongeBob design, after the other had fell while playing.

Except Jimin's not a little boy anymore. Gone are his chubby cheeks — at least the ones on his face — and the subtle fat around his tummy. He's gorgeous; with plump, pillowy lips and seductive eyes. He hadn't grown to be much taller than their days of tag, but his limbs are built and defined from years of dancing. His thigh feels strong between both of Namjoon's own, just like the other that's wrapped around his waist.

He still can't sleep alone, which is evident in the way that he spends most of his time curled up in Namjoon's sheets. He says that he can't sleep alone, but he sleeps just fine when he's alone in Namjoon's room. The older man thinks it's just an attempt at taking over his personal space. Not that he minds; there's never been space between him and Jimin.

Namjoon doesn't even know what they are, or when the fine line between friends and something else had been disrupted and overstepped. It's unspoken between the two of them, and everyone else around them. They don't sleep with anyone else, or share kisses with strangers. Even the days in which they spend nights partying with their friends, the only hands on Jimin's hips are his own. They go together, and they leave together, too.

Namjoon works, while Jimin still studies. On the nights that his company meets for business events; he finds Jimin tucked against his side, dressed in a three piece suit. On the others, where he returns home sometime during the evening, there's always the quiet chatter of the television in the background, and the lingering smell of whatever Jimin's cooked for the both of them to eat together.


"I like you," Jimin had said one day, in the midst of them eating noodles.

"Yeah?" Namjoon asked nonchalantly, leaning forward to wipe at Jimin's mouth.

"Yeah. I like you."

"That's good. I like you too," he had admitted, smiling fondly as the other nodded and continued to eat.


Nothing had changed between that day and the next. Namjoon got ready for work while Jimin watched from his cocoon of blankets. Like everyday before the last, he kissed the others forehead, and made a comment about eating breakfast, before slipping out of the door. And when he came home that night, just as everyday before, there was a warm meal on the table and a bubbling Jimin across from him.


"Doesn't Taehyung ever worry that you never go home?" Namjoon asked, chest heaving a little as he came down from his high, rolling off of Jimin and next to his side.

"I think he's used to it," Jimin admitted, stifling a yawn as he leaned down with a chubby finger to press at the escaping cum.

"You should just move in. I don't think there's anything of yours left in that apartment, anyway," he noted.

Glancing around the room, there really wasn't a single place where something of Jimin's was missing. From the toothbrush next to his own, to the array of clothes mixed in his closet. Everything about it screamed a couple. During his inspection, he missed the way that Jimin's eyes shone, cheeks flushing a little red at the suggestion.

They moved the last box in, the following Tuesday.


Jimin finally peeled his eyes open, still slightly puffy with sleep, but mostly soft and endearing without the usual eye makeup.

"What're you thinking about?" He asked softly, hands gently trailing across Namjoon's chest.

"Nothing in particular, baby," he assured softly, glancing at the clock behind them. "Did you sleep well? How were classes today?"

The little groan that Jimin let out, told him more than enough about the events of the others classes. He laughed softly, and checked the time again. Jimin caught him peeking, and glanced back at it, as well.

"You're an hour earlier than usual. Should I put on something now? What do you wanna eat?" The smaller male asked, rubbing at his eyes and stretching like a cat.

"How about I take you out, instead? You wanted to eat at that new restaurant, right?"

"Look at you, Mr. Fancy," Jimin purred out teasingly. "If you wanted your dick sucked, all you had to do was ask."

Namjoon snorted a little, kissing Jimin's nose as he rolled out of bed. Before he could make it to the bathroom to shower and prepare for their night out, Jimin spoke up.

"I love you, Joonie."


Okay so, I felt kinda bad about the angst yesterday, since I don't really put out that much angst. Instead, I decided to make a fluffy minjoon in order to let Jimin redeem himself. Now, this has no connection to the last fic, unfortunately. For the last fic, Jimin's a cheater and Namjoon now has Hoseok — end of story. Jimin doesn't get the happy ending that Namjoon always dreamed of with him, because he's been replaced for being a dick.

So this follows an entirely different story. Jimin and joon are in love, and boyfriends without ever really announcing that they're boyfriends. Let's just imagine that they went to dinner, Namjoon proposed and then went back and got his dick sucked. Okay? Okay. Woo, minjoon.

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