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                                          -It was the beginning of December when they met

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It was the beginning of December when they met. There was nothing special about their meeting. Snow clung to the ground and trees, and Namjoon's nose was as red as a cherry from the cold that had bitten it. They didn't talk during their first meeting, but when the snow drowned on longer and painted everything white, Yoongi gently took Namjoon's hand in his own, and slipped it into his pocket. The others fingers were stiff without gloves. His cheeks turned almost as bright as his nose.


Even though Yoongi had somewhere to be, he sat in the snowy park as Namjoon read. And when he glanced at his phone later that night, with hundreds of missed calls from his boss, he still felt Namjoon's hand in his own. The small timer at his wrist blinked as bright as ever, and for once, he did not hate the amount of time on his clock.

Yoongi didn't stop to wonder what time Namjoon had on his own.


Their meetings after included more dialogue, and Yoongi had time to learn more about Namjoon. He found that the other had a voice as rich as chocolate, and that he used it to speak into a mic on air every night. In his free time, he liked to write music; but he admitted that he was too scared to put it out.

"You shouldn't like, be scared or whatever. I think you'd be great, based on the way that you talk and hold yourself."

"I don't know, Yoongi. I think I'm just nervous, because it's something that I can't have control over." Namjoon mumbled softly, hands clasped tightly in the mittens that Yoongi had bought him.

"Well, you've got all of the time in the world, right?" He teased softly, and missed the way that Namjoon stiffened before laughing softly.

"Something like that."


Yoongi sees it on accident. Namjoon's excitedly flipping through the pages of his song book when his sleeve slips. The green light of his timer haunts Yoongi. There are already zeros in place, unlike Yoongi's own, that no matter what he did with; would not lose any more numbers. Namjoon was dying, and Yoongi would be stuck in the same age with the same face for the next sixty years. He wondered which one of them was truly cursed.

"Let me give you some time," Yoongi interrupted, whatever Namjoon was saying.

"What?" He tugged nervously at his sleeve but it was already too late.

"You're running out of time, Namjoon."

"It'll be fine, Yoongi."


When Yoongi finally convinces Namjoon to let him give the boy some time; he fucks up. They can only watch in horror as ten days disappear off of Namjoon's wrist. The younger male gives him a shaky smile, and reaches out for the other when he stumbles back.

Then he does something that will haunt him until the day his time runs out.

He turns his back on Namjoon.


Yoongi doesn't contact Namjoon for a week, or return to their meeting place at the park. It's been months of their friendship, and he feels like he'd just thrown it all away, by taking away the small amount of time that the other male has. He's horrified with himself, and every thought that follows. But no matter what he does to himself, his own time won't disappear. It mocks him with bright lights in his otherwise dim home. Yoongi spends the days ignoring Namjoon's call, until he can face the other male again.


It had been an incident, they said. Namjoon just happened to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time. It's not rare for people to steal time. They'd probably thought like himself, that everyone's time lasted a while. He feels like those ten days would have been important to saving the others life. The place next to him, on the bench is bare aside from a small box with his name scribbled on it.

Inside, the sand timer that Namjoon left behind has run out. There are the lyrics that he'd tried to show the older male, scribbled softly is his name next to it. They song tells of a friendship, and Yoongi aches that it had been him. In sixty years, when his time runs out, Yoongi will watch himself in a mirror and think of the way Namjoon wrote him. He can't bring himself to open the little note, but tucks it into his wallet.


Yoongi doesn't open the letter until his timer tells him that he's down with mere minutes left. The paper is curled at the corners, and yellow with the time. The little sand timer next to him is running out, just like the clock on his wrist. And though he's shy a few years from the time that he originally had, it feels like he's waited centuries for this moment. To be with Namjoon. He worries that they won't go to the same place, because of the way he'd indirectly murdered the younger.

When the sand is finally falling and there's nothing more than a few grains left, he opens the small letter to read.


Please be born as my friend again.

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