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Rebel POV

I woke up and checked to see what time it was. 4 a.m!!!! Why in the hell am I up??? I looked at my phone again and it was January 26, 2013. My mom's birthday.

Raven was still asleep. I went downstairs and into the kitchen. I looked through the cabinets and found my dad's Jack Daniels. I grabbed two glasses and sat down.
I poured two cups of Jack Daniels and set the other one on an empty chair.

"Happy birthday mom." I said and clink the glass.

I downed the whole cup and poured me more. Then I heard someone. It was probably my dad.

"What are you doing up late Rebel." My dad yawned.

He took a look at what I was drinking and sighed. He sat by me and took the other glass and downed it.

"I couldn't sleep and I looked at my phone and guess what I saw? It was mom's birthday now I'm down here drinking." I said and down the whiskey.

"Rebel, I know how you feel . I miss her to." He said. He grabbed the bottle and poured him another glass.

"I talked to Sam." I said.

"What did he say?" He asked.

"Nothing much. He just wanted to know what was going on and that he broke up with his girlfriend." I said.

I grabbed the bottle and poured me and my father another glass .

"I talked to Austin." He said.

I frozed. Austin was my older brother. He left before mom died. We kept in touch but he said it might be better if he never came back.

"What did he want?" I snapped.

"Rebel calm down." He said.

"Calm down how in the hell am I supposed to calm down? He left. He left. And now all of the sudden he had the nerve to pick up the phone and call??' I asked.

"Listen Rebel, I let you talk shit about Kina. But Austin Is your fucking brother, so you need to move from the goddamn past and move on." He said sternly.

He got up grabbed his Jack Daniels and left. I knew where he was going. He was going to the music room. He thinks that I'm gonna get past it.

I did start writing a song about him and my mom. I got up and went to the music room. I needed to apologize to my dad. I just knew how to do it.

It was 6 a.m. So I decided to get ready since they'll be here at 8. I went upstairs and got changed. I done something simple.

Black Jeans and a simple My Chemical Romance shirt. I layed Raven out some clothes . That was a Falling In Reverse shirt and white leggings. I put on my boots and snuck in the basement.

I turned in the light and started searching. I found the box and opened it up. It is my mom's clothes.

I grabbed her white ,knee length, strapless dress. I grabbed her necklace and and her black silk jacket. Also her black boots.

I ran back upstairs and put them in my suitcase. When I got to the living room Raven was on her phone and my dad on his phone to.I heard the bell ring.

"I got it." I said.

When I opened the door I was greeted by a very, very hyper CC.

"Rebs!! I miss you soo much!!" He yelled and pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"First we've only been sort for a day. Second I can't breath." I said.

Jinxx pulled CC off.

"CC your gonna kill the girl." Jinxx laughed.

"Wheres your father?" Jake questioned.

"What did you do Rebel?" Andy asked.

"Well me and him got into a fight and now we're not talking to each other. He is in the music room." I said and walked into the living room." Also he has a bottle of Jack." I said.

I sat on the couch and pulled my Phone out. I was scrolling through Twitter when a tweet caught my eye.
I looked at Raven and she gave me a questioned looked. I gave her my phone.

"@kinaisbeautiful ATTENTION: @AshleyPurdy has a daughter. Her name is Rebel Purdy." Raven read out.

"This is not good Raven." I said.

I grabbed my phone and ran to the music room. I burst through the door and everybody stared at me.

"Rebel what in the hell?" My dad questioned

"We um have a teeny tiny problem." I said.

"What is this problem?" Andy asked.

I gave Andy the phone and his face was mixed with emotions. He gave the phone to Jake who gave it to CC who gave it to Jinxx, than finally to my dad.

My dad was about to say something but the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it." I said.

I took my phone from my dad and bolted out of the room.
When I got there Raven let in my band even Sam was here.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Hey Reb." Ghost said and gave me a hug.

"Where is Alex?" I questioned.

Ghost leant down to my ear

"Him and Raven are flirting." He said and pointing to them.

Sure enough they were. Raven was on the couch and Alex was right beside her . They were REALLY close.

"Hey no flirting in this house." I laughed.

They quickly parted each other. Their face were a tomatoes. The bus was here. Everybody got there stuff.

"Dad the bus is here!!!" I yelled.

Haha I am back. I'm thinking about putting a new character in but idk. If one you guys want to be in here either comment or send me a message. See ya.

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