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Ashley POV

While everybody else was watching Batman I was in a deep thought. I kept playing the flashback over and over again.


"Andy we need to talk." I said.

We were in our last day of school and me and Andy were dating and we planned to go to Cali for the summer.

"What is it. Ashey? Is it about California?" He asked.

I didn't want to do it. He deserves so much better than me. I will only drag him down.

"I'm not goimg to California." I said.

He looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

"What do you mean? We were supposed to go and down the summer there. Whats going on Ash?" He asked.

I looked at the clock only 2 minutes before it rings.

"Andy I will always love you. You are my night and day. You are the one I wanna marry and grow old together but you deserve way better." I said.

"Ashley please don't do this. Please dont leave me." He plead.

His blue eyes get glossy with tears.

"Andy I have to. I'm only gonna drag you down." I said.

The rang. I gave Andy one last Lisa's and left. I mever saw him again. Till I went to L.A.

2 years later.

I was in my car. I was currently living there since I left Missouri. I was on my phone scrolling through Craigslist and when a lead singer of The name Andrew Biersack came along. I didn't think of anything since I haven't seen him in 2 years.

We werw supposes to meet at a diner in L.A. When I got there I was just sitting there till a blue eyes angel came along.

"Are you Ashley?" The person qiestioned.

"Yes. Are you Andrew?" I asked.

"Yes. But I prefer Andy." He said.

He sat down and starrwd asking me questions.

"So where are your from?" He asked.

"Well I was born in Nashville Tennessee, than my parents died and I lived with my grandparents in Missouri." I said.

"I'm sorry to hear about your parents. Are you in any kind of relationship? I need to make sure so I know if we need to stop by there and pick the person up." He explained.

"I'm single as a pringle. My last relationship I ended it on bad terms." I said. Remebering the painful memory.

~end of flashback~

I got interrrupted by my daughter. We were at a pit stop and everybody went and got something. It waa only me Rebel and Andy.

"Dad I got another question for you ex boyfriend." She said.

Great. I looked at Andy and he had the same expression.

"What's the question Rebel?" I asked her.

"Well I've been thinking about it. Did you guys ever met again?" She asked.

I looked at Andy and he looked at me. I'm gonna regret saying this.

"No. We never met again. He is probably out and about living his dream with someone who makes him happy." I said.

I couldnt look at Andy.

"That's bullshit." Rebel spat.

"Excuse you missy." I said.

"Sorry. You guys loved each other and than you broke up with him because you thought he deserved better. If I were you dad I would try and find him explain how much he means to you. Than you grab him by his shirt and kiss him." Rebel stated.

What the hell happen to my daughter.

"I wish it was that easy Rebel. You always find the right one when its too late. Now I'm gonna go in my bunk and lay down." I said.

I got up and head to my bunk. Than somebody grabbed my hand.

"Do you still love him?" Rebel asks.

"Yes. I will always love him." I said I went to my bunk.

I went to my bunk and went to sleep.

Rebel POV

That was a lie. Of course they met again. Ugh this is so confusing. I swear I'm never doing this again

Everybody was back on the bus and we went to the concert. While we were driving I went to my bunk and grabbed CC's bag of candy that I brought him.

"Oh CC." I sung.

"Yes Rebel?" He askes.

"How much do you love me?" I asked.

"Depends on the thing." He said.

"Fine I guess you won't get this whole bag of candy I bought for you." I said.

"No. I love you. Your the best person in the whole wide world." He said jumping up and down.

I gave him the bag of candy. I looked aeoumd and everybody was giving me glare..I knew why to. You never get CC sugar or he'll bounce off the walls litralley.

"Rebel!!" They all yelled.

"I think my bed is calling me. Bye." I said and went to my bunk.

Boo ya. A new chapter. In so good. See ya next time.😜✌

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