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(A/N I don't do drugs or drinking this is just for the character.)

Ashley POV

We were back from tour and when we got home Rebel ran straight to her room. I knew this would happen. I just hope she doesnt do anything stupid.

Rebel POV

I wrapped a rope around my elbow. I grabbed the needle and injected it. I sighed in relief. This is all for you Sam.I grabbed a joint and lit it. I took a long puff.

I started doing heroin after my crying session on the tour bus. My band started to get worry about me but like always is put on a fake smile and pretend everything was okay.

(Hours later)

"Rebel Andy made dinner!!" My dad yelled.

Yea apparentle.g. they had sex. How I know is I walked in on them. I litralley washed my eyes out. But I am soo happy there together. They just dknt know about the drugs.

"Coming!!" I yell.

I put up all the stuff and made myself look presetible.I covered the needle holes with foundation and went down stairs. Before I went to the kitchen I put on a smile and went to the kitchen.

"Hey dad. Hey Andy what did you cook?" I asked sitting in the chair.

"I made cheeses burgers." Andy said.

"Dad, Andy's apron says kiss the cook. So kiss Andy." I said laughing.

My dad pulled in Andy and kissed home. I jumped out of my seat and squeled. I ran to the kitchen window opened it.

"ANDLEY IS REAL!!!" I yelled out.

"Ok Rebel calm down and eat your food." My dad laughed.

We all sat down and ate. My phone buzzed. I looked at the message it was from my bands group chat.

Alex: Guys my dad booked us a show right here in L.A.

Raven: When?

Alex: In two hours.

Ghost: How in the hell are we gonna do that we don't have Sam.😕

Alex: True

Raven: Your right😞

Me:GUYS!!! We do not need Sam. As long as we stick together we will make Fallen Angels BIG. So what we don't have a guitarist. We have our heart, soul, and passion. We can make it!!

I heard the doorbell.

"I got it." I said.

I got up and went to get the door. I opened it and found my band.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked give in them hugs.

"You were right we don't need Sam. We just need us." Ghost said.

"I think that is the smartest thing that you've ever said." I laughed.

"Hahaha soo funny." Ghost said sarcastically.

"Rebel who is at the door!?" My father yelled.

"It's just my band!" I yelled back.

Ashley Purdy's daughter(completed)Where stories live. Discover now