Chapter 14

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Leo's P.O.V

The person I saw was my cousin Molly. She started to spread rumours around school so I ended up getting bullied with the rumours aswell. "Oh hi Leo!" "What do you want?" "Er I'm sorry will you forgive me?" "No how could I you started spreading rumours around school about me?! Your meant to be family aswell!" "Leo calm down." Sarah said while putting her arm around my waist as I was getting closer and closer to Molly by saying that. "No Sarah." With how Sarah had her arm around my waist she easily turned me around. "Fans are videoing this watch it!" She whispered harshly. I nodded. "Will you I'm sorry for even saying them rumours I was jealous of you!" "Molly I seriously don't know." "Well Im going anyway so I'm sorry." She said that and walked away.

Sarah's P.O.V

I've never saw Leo react like that to a girl before and with him getting closer and closer to her made me scared in case he did something. I had to stop him as fans was videoing it. Once him and Molly who was his cousin went away round the corner to speak I walked over to Charlie. Angel went home crying because a fan said hate to her. "Sarah what's up?" "Leo went off on one because Molly was here and now they're talking." "Awh come here." Once he said that he hugged me which made fans take pictures like mad.

Charlie's P.O.V

I know how Sarah felt because he's done it before to Molly. Sarah was really scared incase he did something like that to her in the future so I had to hug her because she was going to cry. While we was hugging all the fans took pictures. I knew she was crying because she was shaking and sobbing quietly into my t-shirt. Good thing I wore a black t-shirt. "Is she alright?" A fan asked. "She will be soon, she's just shocked and needs to get the feelings out." "Oh right okay." The same fan asked. "Sarah we love you don't be shocked!" When they said that Sarah didn't do anything but it made me smile because they actually care about her.

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