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Lycan vs. Werewolf

A Lycan and a werewolf are folkloric or mythological characters. Though a Lycan and a werewolf relate to the transformation of humans into a wolf, they are different in many respects.

In a werewolf, the transformation to wolf takes place on a full moon day, and they cannot restrict it.

In a Lycan, the transformation to wolf can take at any time and in any place. Persons are transformed into werewolves and Lycans when another werewolf or Lycan bites them.

Werewolves, which have their origin in English folklore, are human beings that have been changed into humanoid wolves whereas Lycans are humanoid wolves.

Both the Lycan and werewolf possess great superhuman powers, agility, speed, regenerative abilities, coordination, and have excellent skills. Werewolves and Lycans have almost the same physical strength.

Unlike the werewolf, Lycans are said to be smarter.

When compared to a werewolf, a Lycan is a bit more muscular.

While a Lycan is said to be religious, a werewolf represents witchcraft.

Lycans are more difficult to kill than werewolves. To kill a lycan, one should have to sever the spine from its body. They cannot be executed using silver. On the other hand, silver can kill a werewolf by using a silver object piercing them into the head or the heart.

The term "werewolf" has derived from Old English "wer" and "wulf." "Wer" means "man" and "wulf" means "wolf." "Lycan" is a word that has come from "lycanthropy," which comes from Greek "lykánthropos."

"Lycanthropy" is also a term that has a modern reference to mental illness. It is a mental illness in which a person believes that he or she has transformed into an animal. Such persons behave like an animal.


1. In a werewolf, the transformation to wolf takes place on a full moon day, and they cannot restrict it. 

2. In a lycan, the change to wolf can happen at any time and in any place.

3. Werewolves, which have their origin in English folklore, are human beings that have been changed into humanoid wolves whereas Lycans are humanoid wolves.

4. Unlike the werewolf, lycans are said to be smarter. When compared, a lycan is a bit more muscular.

5. To kill a lycan, one should have to sever the spine from its body. They cannot be executed using silver. On the other hand, silver can kill a werewolf with silver objects piercing them into the head or the heart.

6."Lycanthropy" is also a term that has a modern reference to mental illness.   


Wolf vs. Werewolf

Wolves and werewolves are not that difficult to distinguish. They look the same but are entirely different entities.

First of all, werewolves are mythological creatures and are also known as the lycanthrope.

A werewolf can transfigure from human form into a wolf-like being. It's said that these creatures transform when a human has been bitten or even scratched, by a lycanthrope. Placing a curse on a human being can also turn him into a werewolf, according to what the folklores say. Traditionally, the transformations occur during a full moon. Due to the that they are half human and half wolf, werewolves are often regarded as creatures with superior strength; their hearing and other senses are of greater capabilities than what humans and wolves have separately.

The hunters of werewolves were said to use special silver bullets to capture and kill these creatures. To counteract their superhuman ability

On the other hand, wolves are the wolves that people see today. These are real-life creatures that exist in the real world. Wolves are also known as grey wolves. They have a similar ancestry as the ordinary house dog. According to modern taxonomy, its no wonder that both species fall under the Canine family. They say that these creatures are one of the survivors of the ice age, thousands of years ago. They can't transform into another figure, such as a human form. Like wolves, they are just common animals with the ordinary abilities of and hearing.

Wolves are not super strong, like werewolves, for they can be killed in the usual ways, and do not anything particular, like the use of silver bullets.

Overall, wolves and werewolves differ in the following aspects:

1. Werewolves are mythological creatures. Hence they do not exist in the real world, but only in the minds of people. These creatures are fictional characters that are often perceived to be true, even without much proof; that's why it's a part of a myth. Conversely, wolves are real animals.

2. Werewolves are super strong, whereas wolves only have ordinary strengths, speed and senses like domesticated dogs usually have.

3. Despite their inhuman strength, werewolves become vulnerable to silver bullets, whereas wolves can be harmed easily through any standard killing means.

4. Werewolves are humans that can transform into a wolf-like being whereas wolves are simple, four-legged creatures that can't turn into any other figure.

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