Chapter 15: Alana's Wolf

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After a long day, Alice got to her dorm. Lilac was there eating some recess pieces. "Well, hello there, Mrs. Locket."

"Your not mad, are you?" Alice didn't want Lilac to be angry at her too.

"No," Lilac licked her lips. "I told Alana to let it go, that if you and Logan had something going on. Then there was nothing she or anyone can do. I mean, I didn't know Ezra and Logan fell for you only. But it seems you choose Logan."

"Yeah," she smiled. "Logan is my soulmate. I feel sorry for Ezra and Alana. But maybe they are soulmates and aren't seeing it because they are blind by us."

"Probably," Lilac grinned. "Have you two kissed? Did you get matching tattoos? Come on, tell me."

Alice sat down. "Yes, we kissed. And we do have matching tattoos with San."

"With San?" Lilac chuckled."So you three have matching tattoos. The one around your belly buttoned?" Alice nod. "Nice, maybe Cat will want to get one with me. But knowing Cat, she's going to want to get a cute girly one. So no." Alice laugh. "And I also see, matching piercings. You three look like a gang or something."

"It's only a friendship thing," Alice said.

"And us?" She pout.

"I'll get you something," she smiled. Lilac nod.

"Well, off to bed, classes tomorrow," Lilac stood up. "Goodnight."

"Night," Alice went to her room after turning the lights off. Tomorrow will be a great day.

The next day Alice woke up early like always, and now here she was with San and Logan.

Alice chuckled as Logan grabbed her from behind. "Someone is happy this morning," San said.

"Duh," Logan grinned. "I got a new schedule, and now I have all classes with Alice. The perks of having a soulmate. Now I don't have to be far from her."

"Thars good," San smiled. "You think I will find mine?"

"You probably have," Alice said, nodding toward Miley. "She hasn't stopped staring at you."

San looked over, and Miley looked away. Alice giggled.

"Not her," San said. "She freaks me out, and she looks bossy."

"Let's hurry up," Alice said. "We don't want to be late." They nod and followed.

Alice was happy that she doesn't have to hide her relationship with Logan. She free to express her feelings for him. And free to be herself. Being here is doing her some good. At home, she would be coop up in her room with nothing to do while Alana was having fun.

And now, she was the one having fun. And for once in her life, she doesn't have to follow Alana around.

Alice smiled today was a beautiful day, and nothing can ruin it.

At least that is what she thought. It wasn't until lunch that things took a turn for the worst.

They were sitting in their usual table; it was only she and Logan. San had gone to the restroom.

But then we heard a loud growl and commotion coming from the restrooms.

And out the restrooms ran out some boys but no San.

"Fredrick!" Logan growled and ran over. Alice followed him. And ay closer inspection, she could see the blood dripping down Fredrick's left arm. "What did you do?!"

"I didn't do anything!" Fredrick yelled.

"He got San angry!" The other boy snitched him out. Fredrick glared. "Oh fuck off, Fredrick! He said mean things about his family, and then he got to his sister."

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