Chapter 13: Sunday

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Alana took a deep breath and tried to calm down. The pain was slowly subsiding.

Why was she feeling this pain?

'Logan has betrayed us,' Ala said. 'That is why we are feeling this pain. He and Alice must be together.'

'No, Alice wouldn't do something like that,' Alana rubs her chest.

'But she did,' Ala said. 'And she will pay for this.'

'No,' Alana glared. 'She is my sister; I won't let you hurt her. There must be an explanation.'

'Explanation my ass,' Ala growled. 'Stop defending her!'

"Hey, are you alright?" Alana looked up at Ezra; she forgot he was here and was in his arms.

"I'm fine," he helped her stand. "The pain is gone."

"That's good," he sighed. "You had me worry. I had the same pain."

Alana didn't know if she should tell him or not. But he had the right to know. "My wolf, she barely, started talking to me a while ago, and she said the pain meant Logan betrayed me. And it could be with Alice. But I don't think that's true."

"Of course not," he said. "There's is nothing to worry. Now let's hurry up, perhaps your sister is back at her dorm."

"Right," Alana followed him around. Once he had paid for the stuff, he called over a carriage.

"Here," he helped her up and then placed the bags in the back. He climbed on and sat next to her.

And on their way back to the campus, they went. Alana was still worried about what Ala told her.

There is no way Alice and Logan are together. She sighed and leaned against Ezra. She doesn't want to fight her sister or hurt her. Her parents will be disappointed if that happens. Especially, their sweet dear mother.

She closed her eyes and tried to think of a way to solve this situation without hurting Alice.

But she must've had fallen asleep because she woke up in bed, in the middle of the night.

She sat up and looked around; it's her room. How did she get here? Did Ezra carried her and brought her here? That could only be the explanation.

Alana stood and went to the kitchen. She grabbed a glass of water.

'At least Ezra is a nice guy,' Ala said. 'If only he were our soulmate. But he isn't, why does Alice get them all?'

'Are you jealous?' Alana asked. 'Are out wolf's twin too?'

'Yes,' Ala said. 'Ali, she is my twin; she's shy and innocent like Alice, always getting the guys. I hate her. Everyone liked her better than me.'

'You make it sound like you have gone through this before,' Alana said.

'I have,' Ala said. 'This our fifth time being reborn. And usually, we remember all of our past, but there is one that seems to have disappeared. It's like something is blocking it, and I don't know if my sister knows. Speaking of her, I haven't talked to her; it's like she's, gone; I can't sense her either. I am starting to worry.'

'I thought you hated her,' Alana said. 'And since when can't you sense her?"

'I do care,' Ala said. 'And I hate her too, and I stopped seeing her when you and Alice turned six. After Alice got sick, since then Ali has been gone.'

'I see,' Alana frowned. All this seems strange and a coincidence; could it all be connected? There is one way to find out. And that is asking Alice directly. 'I will find out.'

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