Chapter 17: Mom And Dad

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Alana sat there, staring down at her hands. She didn't want to look up at her father, for fear of seeing the disappointing expression. He already lectured her, but Ala kept on being rebellious and talking back.

"Alana, control her," he said. "Or I will."

'Ala, stop it,' Alana said. 'I don't want to get into trouble anymore. So, stop with your attitude. Or who knows what father will do.'

'He can't do anything,' Ala growled. 'And he can't tell me what to do; I will do what I want. I don't take orders from anyone.'

"She will be put on time out," her father said. "Now then, why are you two fighting?"

"Because she took my soulmate," Alana said and covered her mouth. That was Ala speaking. Why must she always do that? Take over her body and display these unnecessary comments.

"I didn't steal anyone from you," Alice said. "Our connection is stronger. Logan and I are soulmates."

"Strange," their father frowned. "Usually is the other way around, the weaker the bond, the better."

"Eh?" Alice frowned.

"Usually, when there are two twins," he said. "No, let me correct that. When there are the same gender, boy, boy, girl, and girl, it's hard to know who your soulmates are sometimes; you each have your soulmate, and other times they tend to share the same one. But if they have their own, then it's complicated. The weaker bond tends to be your soulmate, not the stronger. But I guess your case is different."

"Love, what can we do?" Their mother asked.

"Let their wolf solve this," he said.

"But," their mother silence. They must be talking between them because their father looked at them and shook his head.

"I forgot," he said. "Well, for now, Alana, control Ala. And it seems Alice and Logan have marked each other. And that is unbreakable."

"Are you sure?" Alana asked.

"Yes, Ala," he glared.

Alana kept her mouth shut, stupid Ala and her big mouth. Her father knows it was her who asked.

She sighed and stood. "I will do my best to keep her under control."

"Alright," he looked at Alice. "I would like to meet him. Bring him now."

"Yes, father," Alice stood. "I'll call him."

Alana sighed. "I'll be in my dorm; I promise roommate I would be her model for a drawing she's doing."

"Sweetie," her mother smiled. "I know that you will find your soulmate, and he will love you for eternity."

"I know," Alana smiled. "Well, I should get going."

She left the room feeling a bit calm.

She sighed and rubbed her arms. Who knows how long her parents will be staying, it could be a week.

And she will try to keep Ala under control for as long as she can.


"Alice, before you do," her father leaned back. "Do you mind explaining the tattoo and piercings?"

"Ah," Alice smiled. "Well, I wanted to get some. I mean, are you mad?"

"Clay," her mother smiled. "Let her be, you know they are allowed to get some since they are adults."

"Only through wolf years," he said. "I always assume it would be Celeste to get inked and pierced. But I was wrong. At least I know you're getting out of that shell."

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