Episode 40- No Peep.

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Can't believe it's Episode 40 already!


"Joe has broken a couple of ribs, his right shoulder was dislocated and his left wrist broken. The most severe is his skull, he has a fracture and is currently in surgery to relieve the brain of pressure. I'm sorry but I don't know what state he will wake up in." Doctor Collins says making Denise sob a little bit more, he gives the family a sympathetic smile before walking away promising he will come straight back to them with any news if something happens.

"Who would do such a thing?!" Denise exclaims holding onto her husband's hand tighter.

"Remember his old friends? Ethan, Jake and Alex?" Nick questions his parents nodding their heads. "My odds are on them."

"Why would you think that?" Kevin questions.

"Can't you remember Joe getting into a fight a couple of weeks back with Jake? They probably waiting until he was fit and healthy again so they could all gang up on him, there's no way Joe would be able to fight back three guys at once is there ." Nick explains it making perfect sense to all three of them, Nick had already explained his theory to the police who are taking this seriously, after all it was a assault. They have the school under their control at the moment most of the sports arena being taped off so nobody can get to the crime scene.

Demi and her family prayed for Joe that night hearing the news on the phone that he may not even wake up at the same person. The risk is high for some sort of brain trauma but everyone is hoping for the best. Demi was depressed the rest of the night not knowing how the father of her child is, she can't help but be worried. They may not be together anymore but that doesn't mean she doesn't have some concerns over him. Like Joe the night before Demi didn't sleep well, the thoughts of not seeing Joe how see loves seeing him around anymore. She wants to see his silly side, see him smile and laugh like when they were together. She hates to say it but she hopes she'll be able to see him smoke again knowing he might not even be able to do that by himself. The rest of his life might be full of his mother looking after him, helping him bathe, change and feed and she doesn't want that. She tries to knock those thoughts out of her mind to get some sleep but she couldn't. Demi would be going to the hospital today with Nick and Selena to see how he is when he finally wakes up from his unconsciousness, everyone curious to know whether they have the Joe they miss and love.

"Demi you want to take this card for him?" Dianna questions, Demi nods scribing her name on the card underneath her mothers and fathers not helping but put a couple of kisses at the end. "Try and stay happy for the baby Demi, stress will hurt them and the first twelve weeks are crucial." Dianna encourages Demi sighing.

"I know but it's hard, I can't help but worry." Demi states.

"You can worry but not be depressed Demi." Dianna says pulling a lock of Demi's hair behind her ear, Demi tries her best to suppress a smile but one did not form on her face.

"I'm sorry peanut." Demi says hugging her stomach. Dianna smiles slightly at Demi's nickname for her baby, she can tell already Demi will make a great mother.

Demi holds onto Nick's hand as Selena has the other one as they walk through the hospital following Paul and Denise, Demi just needed that little bit of comfort but got more when she felt butterflies in her stomach as if her son or daughter was trying to reassure their dad was going to be fine and pull through. She can't help but smile, they turn the corner to meet Kevin and Danielle who had come earlier just anxious to know how Joe is. They all take a seat without another word not being able to see through the window on the private room because of a curtain. They can hear rummaging about so they know a couple of nurses and a doctor are in there probably trying to determined what his condition is. The Jonas household was quiet last night not hearing a peep from anyone all wanting to hear a peep out of the one person who wasn't there. 


If you comment quickly I can do one more before bed then you won't be left on that cliff hanger! 

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