Episode 59- Forgiveness

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Sorry it's late, I had some work to do for college and then packing for Friday. I'm off away for a week with my family. 


"You have a baby?" Ross questions Joe only realising then what he had said. Not that it matters, they were bound to find out eventually. He shouldn't feel nervous about talking about his son, he has this little baby that came out of love from him and his girlfriend. He is a father now and there is nothing to stop that.

"Yes I'm a teenage dad as of three weeks ago." Joe says getting different reactions towards the ~

']situation but he doesn't care what anyone else thinks, he loves Kai and he loves Demi, he doesn't need anyone to tell him that it's wrong for him to have a baby. He knows that it will be hard if he gets signed and realises an album but he's ready for the challenge.  He's come across far worse in the nearly eighteen years he's been on the earth.

"How cute, boy or girl?" Ross asks.

"Boy, his name is Kai." Joe explains Ross smiling. Demi also smiles back in New Jersey looking down at her sleeping son. She sees so much of Joe in him, she can tell he will be a mini Joe depending on his personality. She wouldn't change her life for anything at the moment, she has a guy by her side which loves her and her son as much as she loves them back. All the way through the rest of the interview the smiles never leave Joe's loved ones faces. He doesn't explain everything about his life but it was enough for everyone to get to know him a little better. Now all they need as a family is a record contract, Demi knows now that he has his heart set out on sharing his music and can't wait for the day to hear his songs on the radio. She just wants him home now.

Joe wonders out of the studio with Denise reporters and fans lining the fence the fans screaming out for him. Joe can't help but smile and wave, Denise was taken back a little bit. She can't believe how much attention her not so little boy is getting. She'd never have guessed any of her sons would become famous and part of the media especially Joe, she thought he'd be the last one to get caught up in it. However she is extremely proud of him. They soon enter the hotel room they would be staying in for the night until they're flight early morning. 

"It was fun but I just want to get home to Demi and Kai." Joe says slumping his bag down on the bed beginning to route through for his pyjamas.

"Quicker you get to sleep the sooner it will come. " Denise says Joe chuckling slightly knowing it would be true.

"Thanks for bringing me here mom." Joe says Denise smiling. 

"It's fine honestly Joe, it's what mothers do." She replies bringing out her own pyjamas ready to change when they had finished their conversation off.

"No seriously, I put you though some bad times. I probably don't even deserve all this because of what I had done to you and the rest of the family. I feel really bad about it now when I look back so I am generally sorry for everything and I hope you could forgive me even though you don't have  a reason to." Joe expresses Denise smiling.

"I do have a reason Joe, your my son. I honestly forgive you." Denise says giving him a hug. Joe hugs back holding onto her tighter then what he probably needed too and held her for longer. It was as if he wanted to make up for all the hugs she had missed out on over the years. She's just happy to have her happy healthy son back. Her nest felt full.

"I'm going to jump in the shower and take advantage of the free shampoo and shower gel." Joe says making his way into the bathroom. Denise can't help but laugh at him laying on her bed beginning to read her book once she had changed. As for Demi she was back at home laid on her bed not alone, she was awake but content with watching her baby boy sleep on the bed beside her. She smiles leaning over and pecking his cheek beginning to stroke the small amount of brunette hair he has covering the top of his head. The hardest thing she would have to do would be to leave him, leave him alone while

she was at school.


Last of night. I will upload this story when I get back off a week's holiday with my family. 

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