Episode 52- Here he comes.

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Sorry haven't posted today! I've been working on a short story like I said yesterday so you'll be hearing something from that sometime soon. Anyway let's have a baby! Well Demi now us haha! 


Demi bites her lip as another contraction hits her trying not to scream the hospital room down like she had done before. Joe sighs holding onto her hand tighter not liking her being in pain especially the look on her face when she is. Demi relaxes not long after as the pain goes again taking a deep breath mentally beginning to prepare herself for the next contraction.

"You're doing great Demi, just keep going." Dianna encourages sitting at the other end of the bed. Demi suppresses a small smile trying to stay happy even through the pain she is experiencing. The date is 7th of July , just under a week after Demi's due date for her son to come into the world. She has only been in labour for a couple of hours but the midwifes seem to think it won't be a very long labour as of how quickly he is coming. At the moment she is half way through the labour but she is sort of glad that it's not taking a long time.

"Joe can you get me some ice chips? I feel dehydrated." Demi complains.

"Sure as long as you don't give birth while I'm gone." Joe teases.

"I wish!" Demi says making him laugh. Joe gives her a peck on the lips before leaving the room on search for what his girlfriend wants. "Mom please remind me after this that I don't want any more kids." Demi says through a groan making her mother laugh.

"You say that now but when you look down at your little boy you'll realise that going through that pain was worth having him here. You'll want several more in the future trust me." Dianna explains Demi smiling slightly.

"I just don't see how it can take so long for a baby to come down from my uterus!" Demi exclaims making her mom laugh again.

"I know honey, they take their time but you have to be patient. He'll be here before you know it kicking and screaming for his mommy." Dianna reassures hugging her daughter.

Demi sighs of relief when she feels the pressure flood out between her legs and when she hears a loud cry fill the room. Her legs fall onto the bed as her little boy was laid on her chest, she lifts her arms up so he won't slip down the newborn soon calming down sensing that his mom is close by. Demi begins crying as she looks down at her son seeing how beautiful he looks noticing some of her features but so many of Joe then knowing her son will look a lot like his father as he grows up.

"Shall we measure and weigh him then?" The midwife questions Demi not helping but feel as if she doesn't want to hand him over but she knows she has to so they can check him over. Demi nods her head getting more comfortable on her bed.

"You did great." Joe whispers in her ear making her smile leaning up pecking his lips.

"I love you." Demi mumbles matching Joe's smile when she sees his.

"I love you too." Joe replies pecking her lips this time.

Joe looks down at Demi who was having a well needed sleep after hours in labour and the hard job of deciding on a name which they stuck at Kai. His eyes then wonder down to the plastic crib which holds his son who is awake but content after a nap himself and a feed. Joe stands up on his feet standing over the crib peering down not helping but smile when he sees Kai moving his arms and legs all over the place as if he was trying to get comfortable. Joe hadn't held him yet kind of wanting to be by himself when he did which he is now. He leans down in the crib bringing the little boy in his arms moving him in closer to his chest.

"Hey buddy," Joe says beginning to rock him gently. "I may be a rubbish dad at the start but your mommy seems to think I'll get the hang of it. I apologise now for any mistakes I make okay." He says watching as the little boy gently closes his eyes. Joe smiles wider then realising he may not be as such as a bad dad as he thought he was going to be. He had just practically rocked his son to sleep without any assistance.  He thinks he can do this!


2 or 3 comments in morning and I will upload this! 

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