Episode 49- 'What are they up to?'

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Happy birthday to Gino D'Acampo, my favorite chef!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tough months pass by and soon it's June just a month before Demi's due date. She was stood at her locker cleaning it out ready to leave school until September when she would be starting off as a senior. She can't believe she's only been at the school since last September. She's had the time of her life though and she couldn't believe she didn't even want to move here in the first place. She sighs laying her hand on her bump.

"You okay?" Selena questions sorting out her locker which is next to Demi's.

"Yeah besides my feet being swollen." Demi grumbles making her laugh.

"The wonders of pregnancy huh." Selena says both of them laughing this time. Besides the violent morning sickness near the beginning everything had seemed to be fine besides aches which every normal woman gets in the pregnancy. The only problem Demi has at the moment is still Joe isn't much on board with the thought of the baby coming but she knows when he gets into the schedule and gets used to him being around he will love it.

"I can't believe he is nearly here, I just want to see him now." Demi states caressing her bump which holds her little boy which they had confirmed now. She was so happy when she went to her twenty week scan to find out she was having a boy, she knew she wanted a girl at first but as soon as she was told at her twelve week scan that the nurse thought it was a boy she adjusted to the idea and now admits a boy would be really nice.

"I'll be the best godmother I can be." Selena promises making Demi smile.

"When aren't Joe and Nick here? Don't they need to clean out their lockers?" Demi questions.

"They've already done theirs." Selena states throwing a bit of paper into recycling. 

"Why didn't they do it with us?" Demi questions again feeling a bit suspicious that something is going on that she doesn't know about.

"Oh they're just busy I guess." Selena says shrugging her shoulders. Demi raising her eyes brows looking over Selena who looks back at her trying not to give away that something is going on which fails, Demi can read Sel like an open book.

"What are they up to?" Demi questions making Selena groan, she knew she couldn't hide anything from Demi. Her motherly instincts are starting to kick in and Selena isn't even her child. She's starting to feel sorry already for her baby boy knowing how protective Demi will be over him but knows she won't be overly protective.

"You'll find out when you get home, thought anymore about names or are you set on Kai?" Selena questions trying to move the conversation onto something else otherwise she'll end up blabbing what they are up to and she knows how much Joe wanted it to be a surprise for her.

"Um I think we decided on Kai but we're not confirming anything until we've seen him in case we think something else will suit him." Demi explains closing her locker as she finishes cleaning through it, the cleaners will wipe them out.

"I think Kai is cute but it would be better to see him before you name him as well." Selena says closing her locker as well bringing both their bags up onto her shoulder. Demi gives her a warm smile as a thank you as they begin wondering out the school for the last time this school year.

"Now we've finished with school all we need is supplies, clothes, crib, change table and so on. I'm thankful that Joe got this bartender job, it pays quite well which means our parents won't have to pay a lot of the bills." Demi states.

"He seems to love working as well, it will give you some time to bond with Kai while he's working and probably the other way round when you feel comfortable enough to start working." Selena states as well Demi nodding her head, she smiles when she sees her boyfriend leaning against a car, Joe follows his eyes to her smiling back. They hug and kiss each other before everyone climbs into the car. Demi was soon commanded to put a blindfold on which she reluctantly does, Joe just can't wait to show her what he had done with everyone's help.


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