Episode 46- Thank you

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Joe sighs running his fingers through his hair debating what  he should do. He has wrote this somewhat amazing song and on one hand he could sing it to Demi revealing all his thoughts and feelings about the relationship and how he coped with the break up or he could keep it to himself like he intended. He takes a deep breath knowing what he wants to do, he nods his head giving up on the fight to keep the song to himself.

"After school." Joe states before walking off. Demi smiles watching him walk away just looking

 to hear the song Nick seems so impressed by. She is also nervous at the same time not knowing what expect from this song, she doesn't want to give him mixed messages thinking that she would take him back afterwards. She might do, she just doesn't know what she wants off him at the moment. She wants to take him back but she doesn't want him to keep this attitude towards their baby.

Joe was nervous the rest of the day about performing the song to Demi, he still doesn't want to do it but he knows he'll never hear the end of it if he doesn't so he'll have to get the courage and do it. He offered to ride Demi home mainly so he could get it over with plus he will like her company on his bike again. They both climb off the bike when they arrive at Joe's house Demi's still standing right next to his, they place their helmets on the side in the hall before making their way up the stairs Joe's heart pounding more and more in his chest.

"What's the song called?" Demi questions taking a seat at the end of his bed.

"Amnesia." Joe states picking up his guitar from the stand in the corner of his room, he takes a seat on the desk chair beginning to strum the strings gently at a random tune so he can't get into the tune of the song before beginning to sing.

"How long have you been writing songs for?" Demi questions again Joe looking up from his fingers to Demi smiling slightly.

"Since I was about ten but I stopped when I started to drift away from my family, this is the first one I've wrote since I was about thirteen." Joe states Demi nodding her head staying quiet waiting for him to finally show her this song which he soon does Demi's eyes never leaving the guy in front of her basically expressing all his feelings to her.

Joe puts the guitar down so it's kneeling against his desk looking up at Demi trying to read what he expression is. He couldn't. Demi was just looking down at the floor trying to hold back the tears she had held in since the moment he opened his mouth. Joe sighs standing up making his way over to the bed sitting on it bringing her down with him holding her. This is why he didn't want to show her, it would make her feel bad for breaking up with him when it was the right thing to do.

"I'm sorry I made you feel like that." Demi mumbles but Joe could hear her perfectly fine.

"It's okay Demi, I deserved to feel like that." Joe confesses.

"I always believed in seconded chances." Demi mumbles again.

"What do you mean?" Joe questions.

"I mean..." Demi says then crashes her lips onto his. Joe smiles through the kiss as he kisses her back gently wanting the kiss to last as long as he can make it. Joe deepens the kiss finding his hand onto her small bump which just makes her smile as well. Joe gently pushes his tongue into her mouth beginning to slowly but sweetly make out with her. Joe will get used to the thought of being in his child's life now he has their mother back, he would do anything to keep her by his side and if that means he has to be a dad he will do it. Demi was the one who pulled away breathing heavy.

"I wasn't fine Joe, just far from it." She breathes Joe frowns slightly Demi smiles though leaning her forehead on his

"Thank you." Joe says closing his eyes. Demi smiles pecking his lips closing her eyes too. They both had the best sleep they've had in a long while.


That's it until Monday! At least I didn't leave you on a huge cliffhanger :P I might post Sunday depending what time I get back. 

Comments please! 

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