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Two-Bit kept his blade tightly in his grasp

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Two-Bit kept his blade tightly in his grasp. It made me sort of nervous, but, I didn't blame him. I knew he'd only use it if those boys came back messin' with us. I shouldn't have been so worked up over it, though, I couldn't really help it.

"Come on with me. I want ya to say hi to my pals." He looked at me and gave me a small smirk. "May even remember some of 'em."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I dunno.." I say softly, looking down at the ground as we walked.

"What you don't know?" He rose an eyebrow, "If you'll remember 'em or if you wanna go."

I bite my lip harshly. Looking up at him, I shrug. "Both?"

"Both?" He laughed, "Golly, you're complicated? Yknow that?" He shook his head, chuckling some more.

"I-I mean," I sigh once more. "I don't wanna go 'cause they won't like me."

"Oh, why wouldn't they like ya?" He exclaimed, faking a dumbfounded look.

"They'll think I'm a Soc."

"Where would they get a crazy idea like that?" He began lighting up a cigarette, paying me no mind now.

My lips turned into a straight line as I gave him a look. "You thought I was one for the better part of this day."

"True." He laughed, tilting his head some. "Yeah, that's true." He looked at me, seeing how I was just looking at the ground again. "Oh, c'mon. You're comin' with me. They'll like ya!"

"They'll judge me at first glance." I say sharply. "Just like you did." I snap farther.

It did kind of piss me off, to an extent. Just because my mother was a big name in Hollywood didn't mean I am a snot nosed Soc.

"Well excuse me." He didn't seem phased at all by my serious, angry, tone. He only smirked at me. It seemed to amuse him more than anything.

"Didn't you ever hear that you're not supposed to judge a book by its cover?" I soften my tone some. But I, still, was very annoyed.

He looked at me sideways, then smirked. "Ya don't look like a book to me."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "You're.."

He cut me off, with a big sigh of relief, he exclaimed. "We're here!"

I look up to see that he had walked me to a little house, a lot like my own. It looked cute and cozy.

"Is this your house?" I glance between Two-Bit and the house.

"Huh uh." He stomped out his cigarette, grabbing my arm, and shoving his blade back into his pocket. "This is the Curtis home."

I honestly couldn't get out of it at this point. He had me dragged into the home before I could protest at all.

I seen a boy in the living room. He looked to be my age. He looked kind of familiar, too. I think I saw him at school today. He had a book in his hands, and his nose deep into it. He barely glanced at us, but when he spotted me, he did a double take.

"Who're you?" Is all he said. He placed a worn bookmark between the pages, then closed to book.

My cheeks began getting rosy–I could feel it. I'm pretty shy. No, I'm really shy.

"Uhm. I'm R-Rose."

"That actress' daughter!" Two-Bit chimed in, before striding off into what I can assume was the kitchen.

"Oh." The familiar boy stood up, and nodded his head. "Well. I'm Ponyboy Curtis." He said softly, holding out his hand.

I do remember him now, though. I was lucky enough to be put into another english class, and it was an honors class. He was one of my classmates. He seemed quiet like me. I think I remember him from when I was younger, too. Maybe I saw him around the park or something like that.

I took his hand and shook it carefully. I made little eye contact with him. I sort of felt bad but I was already feeling awkward. I didn't want to make it worse. Especially if I'll be meeting even more people later.

Two-Bit came back with a beer in his hands. I rose an eyebrow and simply shook my head. Ponyboy offered me a seat and I obliged.

We sat there for about a half of an hour. I just listened to Two-Bit and Ponyboy talk, while Two was getting progressively more drunk.

Eventually, two older looking boys barged in. I suppose anyone could walk in here.

The two boys had on matching shirts. They both looked worn out. And one of them looked like he had car grease on him or something.

"Hey, Ponyboy." One said softly, as he ruffled his hair. Ponyboy quickly fixed his hair back, but he had a soft smile on his face.

The other one plopped down beside of me. He let out a tired sigh, and leaned back into the seat. "What's up, cutie?"

My cheeks got all rosy again. I just shook my head and looked down, forcing a smile.

"I'm Steve." He poked my arm, causing me to look up at him again. He grabbed my hand and shook it. He shook hard and fast, and it took me by surprise.

"I-I'm Rose."

"Rose? Would you happen to be Rose Anne?" The other boy gave me a soft smile. He seemed like he legitimately cared about what was going on, unlike the others. Well, Ponyboy seemed pretty mindful.

But, how'd he just know that? It kind of set me off guard. "Uhm. Yeah?"

"I heard on the radio 'bout your mom." He said quieter. I bit my lip and sighed a little. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I say quickly. It didn't matter, really.

"Well, I'm Sodapop! Sodapop Curtis." He gave me yet another one of his dazzling smiles. I forced a smile upon my face, just simply nodding my head.

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