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I remembered Johnny Cade after I thought about it for a minute or two, listening to Darry's story about what happened

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I remembered Johnny Cade after I thought about it for a minute or two, listening to Darry's story about what happened. He was a smaller boy, but a couple years older than me. I used to see him around the park all the time whenever my mother would take me. He was super quiet, and stuck close to his friends. I don't remember ever hearing him speak, or even see him smile.

Now that I think about it he looked lost.

Hearing that he died made me sort of sad. I felt awful for my friends. The events that led up to it was so..grueling. Johnny killing someone? I didn't believe that at first, until Darry told me why he did it.

I think just about anyone would do that if it means saving the life of a friend. From what I'm hearing Johnny and Ponyboy were pretty close, best friends even.

Suddenly, I hear the front door opening and shutting, and the sound of an unfamiliar voice.

"Any of y'all seen ol' Dally around lately?"

"Hey, Tim!"

Darry sucked in a breath, then sighed. He walked by me and out of the kitchen. I furrowed my eyebrows at him, then just followed.

"I haven't seen Dally in a couple of days." Two-Bit says with a cigarette in his mouth. "Y'know how he is 'round this time.."

I stared at all of them in confusion, then I looked up at the new person. He had a long scar on his face and long brown hair. He seemed real hard, tough, and mean. I don't mean the other boys aren't hard and tough, at least they aren't real mean.

"Dally really loved Johnny." Darry nudged me with his elbow, leaning down and whispering.

My eyebrows rose at loved. Loved? Dallas Winston loving somebody? I didn't think it'd be possible. I thought Dallas only loved himself; or maybe not even that. Dallas seemed like he hated everything, and maybe himself too. I was wrong though.

"What d'ya need from Dally anyway, Tim?"

Tim ignored Two-Bit's question, and looked at me. He flashed a sly smile that gave me chills. Now it doesn't. I don't know why, I was scared then.

"Hi," He pulled one hand out of his pocket and held it out for me to shake. "Tim Shepard." He introduced himself.

I took his hand hesitantly. I could feel him studying me, but I was doing the same. His hands were rough, and he had a tight grip on my hand. "Rose Anne.." I say quietly.

He smiled again, I bit my bottom lip. "I know." He whispered, then let go of my hand. "Read about you and your mother in the paper." He looked down, then at Two-Bit. "If y'all see Dallas tell him I'm lookin' for him." He suddenly strode away, slamming the front door behind him. Ponyboy later told me that Tim Shepard reminds him of a ally cat.


Nobody saw Dallas until the very next day. I was the very first to see him, though. It was a kind of...odd experience.

I just had gotten out of school, when I noticed someone sitting beside the road on the ledge, across the street. I squinted to see, then I recognized him. The leather jacket and flash of the rings gave it away.

I wanted to pretend that I didn't see him; but I sensed he already knew that I knew he was there. Maybe he even wanted me to see him. Maybe he wanted to talk to me or something.

I tried to convince myself not to, but I ran across the road and skidded to a halt once I got to him. I hesitantly just sat down beside of him. He seemed lost in his thought, and didn't even look at me for a few seconds. I tried to refrain thinking about what could be going on in his head.

"Johnny, man. He was like my little brother. I didn't want the kid to end up like me." He said it so quietly, and nonchalantly, I didn't know what to say. He seemed upset that I didn't know what to say to him. Eventually he got over it.

"Hey: Rosie, man. I feel like you and I got off on the wrong foot." He turned to me, cigarette dangling from his lips. He never called me Rosie before, I thought. Then I thought about how mean he's been to me, but didn't think about it too much.

"You just really pissed me off, man." He looked down at the ground and I knew what he meant.

My cheeks burned and I frowned at him. "I-I'm sorry I said that t-to you that day. I didn't mean it."

He ignored my apology.

"You ain't a Soc?" He looked up at me, and studied my face.

"I'm n-not a Soc." I say quickly, still frowning.

"You're not a hood either." He leaned back in his seat, and he suddenly smirked, then shook his head.

No, I'm not a hood. But I'm definitely not a Soc. I don't know what I am.

"You should be a Soc, man. You could be one I mean." He shook his head some more, and blew out smoke. "Socs, man. I hate 'em."

"I-I know." I stare at my lap.

"A girl like you shouldn't be hangin' around a bunch of Greasers." He said quietly. He threw his cigarette down on the ground then stood up, shoving his hands in his pockets. He waited for me to stand up before walking.

"B-But I like you all." They're cool ol' guys. I'm better off with them. If it makes a hood out of me than oh well.

He seemed to have read my mind. "You're better off with Ponyboy and them. But Greasers like me, man." He shook his head. "You'd Get hurt."

"I think you're fine, Dally." I hadn't ever called him Dally before.

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