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THE FIFTH CHAPTER; _____________________

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"Come straight over. Be quick about it, too. Be quick. Be quick."

I was hearing Two-Bit's words over and over in my head. He wanted me to meet him at the Curtis house, and I was on my way. The Sun was about to come down. The sky, honestly, looked beautiful. But I was too worried right now to be able to appreciate the view.

I was pretty close to the Curtis home, but not close enough. I've never been on luck's good side, either. Never.

A blue mustang pulled up, right in front of me. I tried dodging at first, but then the Socs hopped out. In their nice clothes, Madras to be exact, and silly smirks.

I didn't want to be afraid. But, my anxiety did. I froze up as they all piled out. Four of 'em.

I think back to what Two-Bit had said. That this wasn't even their side of town anyway. They had their side, and we had ours. But, they're not gettin' that I don't suppose.

The leader of the bunch, was staring right at me. "Why are you out here all on your lonesome, babe?"

"I'm going to hang out w-with my friends." That little stutter made some of them laugh at me.

"W-With who?" He smirked, mocking me.

Another one shook his head. "Stupid Greaser." He muttered.

The leader turned to look at the rest of the boys, then motioned towards me.

I didn't know what to do. One girl up against a bunch of Socs? It made me sick that they didn't care that I was a girl. How could a man want to beat up a girl? I guess it's 'cause I'm a..Greaser.

I knew what was coming and I felt helpless. When one of them stepped closer to me, I knew I needed to at least try and run away.

"Tw-Two-Bit!" I pretty much screamed, before taking off as fast as I could, all of them following me. I knew deep down they would catch me. I'm no match for them.

They did get me and had me down on the ground in mere seconds. I was terrified. I was trying like everything not to cry, but, I couldn't breathe. My anxiety made it ten times worse. I felt a panic attack coming.

I nearly lost it when I saw one of them pull out a blade. I began screaming for anyone to come and help me.

One of the boys slugged me a few times. Hot and salty tears mixed with the blood on my face.

The boy with the blade put it right to my jaw, and quickly drug it all the way down. I screamed in horror and pain, kicking my legs to try to get them off of me.

Next thing I know I hear a lot of shouting, and running footsteps. Oh god, more Socs? It didn't occur to me that it was actually my buddies, until the Socs finally let me go, then they cowardly took off.

I heard cussing, lots of it. I knew it had to have been from Two-Bit, because I recognized the voice.

I was panicking worse now. Gasping for air, and clenching my fists in my hair. I lay there on the ground until someone pulled me up to my feet. It was Two. I knew I was gonna hear it. I winced, preparing myself for the worse.

"What in god's name are you thinkin'? Didn't I tell you to get straight to the house?" He yelled loudly at me, but then he stopped himself. I hated getting yelled at. He could obviously tell. It only made my state worse. I really hated freaking out like this in front of them but I couldn't help it.

Two-Bit knew he wasn't helping me. He pushed me away, before he could say anything else. He needed to cool off first.

"Are you alright, Rosie?"  I hear a faint, soft voice. I turn around, gasping for air again. It was Sodapop. I lifted my hands up and tugged on my hair again. I don't know why I do that when I panic, but I do. I was scared beyond belief though. I was trembling, and me not being able to breathe, was making it way worse.

Soda frowned and he reached up, practically prying my fingers away. "It's gonna be okay, alright, Rosie?" He threw his arm around my shoulders. "Just take some deep breathes. We got ya."

A new voice began to ring in my ears. I turn around as I see Darry, Steve, and Ponyboy walking towards after chasing the Socs. But behind them, was someone else. Boy, was he cussing up a storm. He was cussing out the Socs real good even though they weren't even here.

"Man, who's the broad? She's the one them Socs got ahold of?" He stepped out from behind Darry and I got a better look of him.

"Yeah." Ponyboy muttered. "Look what they did to her."

The new guy had dark hair, and eyes with a massive amount of revengefulness and hatred lurking in them.
It made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

He was a looker, but real mean looking. And I mean real mean looking. It was scary how handsome I thought he was, though.

"Look at her jaw, man." He nodded at me, then looked down and shook his head. "We gotta get them Socs, man." He kicked a rock out of his way, a cigarette now between his lips. "We have to! Those.." He went on to call them every name in the book.

"That's Dally." Sodapop whispered to me. "Just got outta the cooler. He really hates Socials."

Once Sodapop told me who it was, I could've fallen over. Dallas Winston.

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