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Sodapop and Ponyboy told me that they had another brother

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Sodapop and Ponyboy told me that they had another brother. His name was Darry. They didn't tell me much about him other than he's the oldest, he's the toughest, and he's pretty stubborn. I should avoid any conflict with him whatsoever.

They told me about how it's just those three; no one else. I felt kind of bad about their parents. I could tell by the way the spoke of them that they loved them.

My stories just the total opposite.

I was surprised about how they opened up to me so quickly, though. They don't know me, and I don't know any of them.

Sodapop and Ponyboy were pretty nice. They didn't seem to think I was any trouble. Or, not like them. I was iffy about Steve. He seemed iffy about me, too. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that he was staring right at me. His eyes were slightly squinted, also. I slowly turned my body to face him, and rose an eyebrow.

"So you lived in Hollywood, huh?" While the two Curtis boys were talking to me, him and Two-Bit went and got a whole chocolate cake out of the kitchen. They were munchin' on it, and just listening to the conversations. Steve took a large bite, his eyes glued on me.

"Y-Yeah." I bite my lip harshly. Here we go. I think to myself.

"What's it like, big shot?"

"Don't call me that." I sigh, looking down at the ground slowly.

I could hear him chuckle some, and he nudged me. "Don't worry 'bout it, honey. Why you hangin' 'round us Greasers anyway, uh?" He talked quickly, and it was kinda hard to keep up with him. He seemed real hyper, too. Like it'd take a lot to get him to chill out.

"Yeah, Rose~." Two-Bit said in an annoyingly obnoxious tone. The boy was clearly getting drunk out of his mind. I wonder if he does that often. It's only Monday, though. Why get boozed up on a Monday afternoon, for no reason?

"Uhm. Uh–"

"Lord only knows a pretty, stuck-up, Soc from Hollywood like you wouldn't really wanna be here." Steve began to laugh, but Ponyboy elbowed his side. Steve's facial expression dropped and he gave Pony a glare.

"I don't think she's a Soc, buddy." Soda says softly, smiling at us.

Steve rolled his eyes, then proceeded to eat more of his cake.

"Are you a Soc?" Pony inquired, looking at me thoughtfully.

I took a deep breath in quickly, "I-"

I was cut off again. This time, by Sodapop. "I don't think she'd be here if she were a Soc."

"Maybe she's a spy." Steve smirked, "You a spy?" He looked at me.

I was getting quite frustrated. My eyes darted in between the boys, "No! I ain't a Soc, or a spy. I'm just me." I stand up quickly. "Plain ol' me."

"Where ya goin', Rosie?" Two-Bit laughed, standing up with me. "We're just pickin' on ya!"

I turn around to face him. I sigh heavily, shaking my head a little. "I need to get on home. My aunts probably worryin' herself grey headed by now."

"Well I'll see ya tomorrow?"

"If she don't decide to hang out with the Socs!" Steve got in one last shot at me, and he threw his head back and cackled. I glared at him, then looked back at Two.

"I'll see ya later Two-Bit." I looked at Ponyboy, and he now was smoking a cigarette. "You too, Pony."

"Alright." Pony simply smiled at me.

"You want me to walk you out?" Two-Bit didn't even really give me a chance. He grabbed ahold of my arm, pulling me outside.

I sighed, though, I wasn't really gonna turn him down. Those Socs had me real spooked.

"Hey, yknow, Steve's just messin' around."

"Yeah, I know." I sigh again. "I just wish y'all wouldn't think Hollywood made me stuck up or anything."

"Well." Two-Bit smirked, then shrugged. "I dunno."

"Where's your house?" He changed the subject.

"Uhm," I look around. "Right up there." I point up the street.

Once I say goodbye to Two-Bit, and he leaves, my aunts friendly smile faded. She turned to me, almost in disgust. "What are you thinking?"

I turn away from her and walk into the kitchen. "What d'ya mean?"

"Lettin' that no good hoodlum walk you home! I saw on the news just earlier one of 'em got hauled into the police station!" I didn't know who she was talking about, but, I probably knew him.

"Don't say that about him!" I huff, looking up at her. "He's no worse off than I am."

I was fed up with her attitude towards these people. She needed to know how I truly felt.

We both went to bed that night angry with each other. I laid my head down on my pillow, pulling my blanket up and over me. I thought about those Socs once more, and how much it had bothered me.

If only my aunt knew how bad, and trouble hungry, they really are.

A/N: i feel like nobody is reading this :( i'm trying really hard. don't worry, dallys gonna show up soon.

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