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I silently strolled into classroom 17

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I silently strolled into classroom 17. My schedule said that my first period class was English, in room 17. Mr. Moore.

My head was down, as I was avoiding any eye contact with anyone. I clutched the ends of my sleeves tightly, as I made my way into the back, to an open seat. The classroom was empty, however. Just the teacher sat at his desk, with the morning newspaper in his hand.

The bell won't ring until five minutes. All the other kids were still standing out in the hallways, talking to eachother. I obviously had no one to talk to. So, I just came to class.

"Ah, Miss Anne. Kimberly, right?"

I froze. "Yes. But, please call me Rose."

Mr. Moore slowly got up and made his way over to me, leaning against the desk beside of my own.

"Good morning." He said with a calming smile. I just nod my head at him, leaning my weight against the desk.

"Well, first of all, I'd like to say that I'm sorry for your loss."

Chills suddenly went up my spine. My jaw slightly tightened as I stared up at the middle aged man. "Don't be. It's okay." I mutter quietly. No one needed to be sorry for my loss of that woman.

He seemed taken aback by my reply, but he smiled anyways. "Well. I hope you like it here at this school."

"Yeah, me too."

He smiled before standing up and going back to his seat. I watched him, rolling my eyes as soon as his back was turned.

Soon enough those five minutes were up, and kids began filing into the classroom. Most of them were nicely dressed, they had nice, expensive clothing.

I could've had all that too but I didn't want it.

Most of the those kids sat up in the front. The ones that sat in the back around me, were the ones my aunt told me to steer clear of. Hoods.

I didn't have a problem with them. I don't see why anybody does. They're people. Besides, I'd rather be like a Greaser than a Soc any day.

"Well, well," One of them sat down beside of me.

"Who's this?" He had light brown, greased back hair, sideburns, and bright eyes. He had a Mickey Mouse shirt on, and a leather jacket over it. His eyes seemed cold though, lost even. "Oh, I remember," He gave me a smile, "What's goin' on, baby?"

I swear I recognize him. I know him. I know I do.

I sighed, looking down at the desk. I just didn't want to talk if people were going to constantly bring up my mother.

"What? Are you too good to talk to us now or somethin?" He scoffed, before propping his feet up on his desk.

I look up at the boy once more, fixing my eyes on him. I looked his face over real good. A lot has changed in the past ten years, obviously. We've grown up. If I do know him, he sure looks a lot different than before.

"It's me. Keith Mathews, remember me huh? I sure remember you."

Keith Mathews. Keith Mathews. Keith Mathews.

My eyes suddenly widened. "K-Keith?" I half whispered, half yelled in his direction.

He smirked and nodded his head. "Alive an' in the flesh."

Suddenly a wave of memories washed over me. How the heck is he still in school? Isn't he like, nineteen now or something? I remember he, a few other boys in the neighborhood, and I would mess around on the playgrounds. His friends would call him..Two-Bit.

"Two-Bit?" I whispered, a soft smile beginning to tug on my lips.

"Mhm," He nodded, tilting his head. "Rose." He said my name sharply, "What happened?" He gave me a quick look-over, then looked back into my eyes. His grey eyes narrowed, I could tell he was judging me. I felt my cheeks burn, kind of in embarrassment, and I don't even know why.

"What do you mean what happened?"

"Look at you." He smirked, before rolling his eyes. "You know what I mean."

"No, I-I really don't." I stammered, my eyebrows knitted together in utter confusion.

"Ya done turned Soc on me."

Those words went through me hard. They kind of hurt and I didn't like it.

"Soc?" I shook my head quickly. "I ain't no Soc."

"Don't lie to me, Rosie." He chuckled. "It's okay. You left us to be with your mom in Hollywood, huh? How was it?"

Awful. Terrible. It ruined my life.

I couldn't say that though. He'd probably just continue doing good what he's doing right now. Two-Bit sure hasn't changed much, besides his looks, maybe.

"Well, you ain't in Hollywood no more but you think you're still some big shot, huh?"

"What? N-No!" I stuttered, staring at him. "I just–"

"That's okay. Nobody really wants to be a Greaser anyway, right?" He shook his head once more, before looking back up at the class. "Oh, good ol' Mr. Moore." He smirked, "This is he and I's third go 'round."

I just continued staring at him. I felt confused, and hurt. I'm not a Soc. I'm not, truly, I'm not. Being in Hollywood didn't make me feel higher than him, or anyone. Being in Hollywood screwed me over.

I felt like I could just curl up and cry right there. I didn't realize this is how my old friends would think of me.

I know how bad their life's were here. All of 'em. I ain't stupid. I know how it must look to them, me moving to Hollywood with my movie-star mom. They probably thought I had it made then. Now, they think I'm here to rub it in their faces. They think I'm some bit shot, now. A Hollywood girl.

But if anything Hollywood left me broken. Worse off than what I was here, a long time ago, when my father was still around, and my mother just started acting. I'm still that scared little girl from long ago. If not, I'm worse.

This is gonna be absolute hell.

A/N: alright, this is a complete mess.

basically, Rose's mother passed away due to a drug overdose. She treated Rose poorly in Hollywood. (all this will be explained more later on) Now, Rose comes back to live with her aunt in Tulsa. All of her old friends turn on her because they believe that she turned on them. Though, she didn't.

I promise it'll get better. Please, vote, comment, and share. I really wanna get on my feet with this. I'm kinda excited. Please leave feedback or I won't know what to do💛

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