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By the time Dallas arrived, Darry was able to convince me that I wasn't dying

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By the time Dallas arrived, Darry was able to convince me that I wasn't dying. I could breathe a little bit better, too. I was feeling real embarrassed. I sure looked tuff, huh?

My hands were shaking as well as the rest of my body. When Dallas stepped inside the house, he looked concerned. A look foreign on his features. He chewed on the inside of his cheek, scanning the living room to find me curled up on the couch, my head resting on Darry's lap.

As soon as it registered that he was finally in front of me, I sat up. Dallas strode over to me, plopping down next to me. "Hey, doll. Wh-What's up?" He was tryin' to act cool, but the stutter and look in his eyes gave it away. He was worried about me. He cared.

At that, my lip began to quiver, and fresh tears made way onto my pink cheeks. "O-Oh, Dally.." I choked out, before throwing myself into his arms. I had never wanted to be someplace more. I never thought I'd say it. I wanted to be in Dallas Winston's arms, because I felt safe there.

Darry got up to leave the two of us alone. After a few minutes of silence, nothing heard other than my quiet cries, Dallas pulled me away so he could look at me.

"What's goin' on in that little head of yours, man, huh?" He wiped away some stray tears from my cheek with his thumb, raising his eyebrows slightly.

In that moment I felt like I could tell him anything. Maybe it was the different look in his eyes, that was telling me I could trust him. Despite everything else, Dallas wasn't all that bad. I am so glad that I finally figured that out then.

He watched me, almost like he was searching, begging, for an answer. He set his hand gently on my hand, before grabbing it. "Let's go outside, yeah?" He stood me up to my feet, and pulled me outside without hearing even a word from me. It wasn't my choice; we were gonna go outside whether I wanted to or not.

Neither of us spoke while we walked. I wondered if he knew where we were going, because I sure didn't. I looked up at the sky and sighed. The Sun was getting ready to come down, and the sky was all sorts of resplendent colors.

Eventually, we came up to the old vacant car lot. This place somehow meant a lot to all the Greasers.

Still without a word being said, Dallas had me sit down on an worn out car seat that had been pulled out. It obviously had been sitting there for a long time, and it's been used for a while. The cigarette butts scattering the place was a sight hard to forget.

He had a frown on his face. I hated to see it there, and I wondered for a moment why it was.

"Let's make a deal." He looked at me. He quickly grabbed my hand, and held it in his own. "You tell me what happened to you." He paused, "And— and I'll tell you what happened to me."

At that point it hit me. Dallas didn't act like Dallas for no reason. Something happened to make him act this way. It isn't his fault. How could I have been so mean, and at one point, thought so poorly of him?

As much as I planned on keeping what happened to me in Hollywood bottled up forever; I knew I could trust Dallas.

All I did was nod my head.

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