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THE FOURTEENTH CHAPTER ; _______________________

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The blow that I took was sudden, and hard. Really, really hard. I didn't realize Tim Shepherd could pack a punch that hard, but I was down and out.

I could faintly hear Dallas and Tim's voices. Dallas sounded panicked, which was something I thought I'd never hear.

"Rosie, man. Cmon, man. Get up!"

"Shit! I didn't mean to hit her, Dal!"

"Just go on! Get outta here, man!"


When my eyes opened, my vision was somewhat blurry. Every sound that I heard sounded really far off, but I was able to make them out. I was hearing really loud music, that was shaking the walls almost, along with loud voices.

I could tell that I was in a bed. I felt a soft, warm blanket over my body. It was warm, and if I wasn't in these circumstances, I'd love to just snuggle up and stay there all night. I'd find myself in that boat a lot..

My vision slowly began coming back to normal. I was in a unfamiliar room, and when I turned my head far enough, I saw Dallas sitting in a chair next to the bed. He was staring right at me.

"Rosie, man. You alright, doll?" He came over quickly, crouching down next to the bed beside of my head. I swear he looked remorseful.

I didn't answer, I just grumbled a little in pain and rubbed my forehead. My head hurt something awful. It was a terrible pain. Never in my life had I heard of getting a concussion from someone punching you that hard. For a moment I thought about how I saved Dallas from that, but then I realized he's probably felt it before, and lived easy.

"You sure went down hard.." He observed, biting down on his bottom lip. "Why'd you do that, man?" He whispered.

I simply shrug my shoulders, closing my eyes again. "Mm...Where am I?"

"Buck's." He looked down at the space between my body and his hands.

"Th-The bar?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I live up here."


"Does your head hurt real bad?" He quickly reached his hand up, and stroked back some of the hairs from on my forehead. It was real relaxing.

"Mhm." I nod my head slowly.

He began smiling, but only a little. "You look real tuff.."


Suddenly it hit me that along with that punch came with not only a headache, but a huge bruise.

"I bet that's the worst one ya've had yet, man." He kept stroking back my hair, but began smiling more.

"Not hardly."




Dallas had his arm around my shoulders while we walked to the Curtis home that morning. He was looking real mean, and tuff, that morning. I guess it's because he wanted people to know not to mess with him, which I don't understand why anyone in their right mind would want to. Tim Shepherd maybe. But, he ain't in his right mind. Never was and never will be.

"Darry's probably gonna let me hear it for lettin' you get hurt like that, man." Dallas muttered, with a cigarette dangling from his lips.

I wouldn't doubt it. Darry had made it clear that all the boys had to protect me now. He never told Dallas to because he doesn't like being told what to do; but Dallas knew.

"You didn't let me." I shake my head, breathing in fast. "I-I did that on my own."

"I shouldn't ha—"

"It's fine, Dal."

We approached the house with zero trouble. The door was wide open and Dallas smirked. "Everybody must be home."

We walked inside and he was right. Sodapop and Steve were on the couch, while Two-Bit sat in the floor. Beer in one hand and a piece of cake in the other. I never thought much about it at that point because I was used to how weird it was.

"Hey, Dal." Steve lifted his hand up and slapped Dallas'. He smiled at Dallas, but it faded once he looked at me.

"What happened, Rose?" Sodapop stood up quickly.

"Damn look at that!" Two-Bit hollered.

My eyes darted back and forth for a moment. I felt overwhelmed.

"She took a hit from Shepherd yesterday, man. I'm gonna kill him next time I see him." Dallas said nonchalantly. He kept his arm around me, though.

"Why'd she get hit by him anyways?" Darry said, walking into the room. I could tell he was preparing to go out to work and I hated to bother him.

"I—" I was cut off.

"She jumped in front of me, man. It was crazy, man. Jesus Christ." Dallas shook his head down at me.

Darry shook his head and sighed. I guess he didn't know what to say to it.

I look around and Ponyboy was nowhere to be seen. "Wh-Where's Pony?"

"At school. Where you should be, little miss." Darry answered.

"Wait, what? What is today?" I ask.

"It's Thursday?"

"Oh.." I sigh and rub my forehead.

"Man she musta really got busted." Two-Bit said, followed by his crazy laugh.

"Hey, why ain't you at school, Two-Bit?"

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