Social media?

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"Aideen! That's not how you set up a social profile!" My friend said as she looked over the profile I was making. "What do you mean? I told a few facts about me. That's what it says you need to do." I said in complete confusion. If you can't tell, this is my first time making a social media profile. "Aideen, I'm making you make this profile because you need to get a boyfrie-" She stated before I cut her off with "or a girlfriend." "Because you need to be in a sexual relationship with someone." She corrected her self, "now you can't just say oh ya my family is dead and I killed the person who killed them, who is going to even give you a chance?!" She said almost yelling when she finished. "Actually don't anwser that." She said when I opened mouth to reply. "Aideen, I'm just worried for you...before the incident you were the person who kept us all up beat and made me smile, now it's like all you smiles are fake and we're the people keeping you up..." She said starting to tear up, so I put my hand on her shoulder and say "I know Abby, but you guys are the things that I have left to kept me happy." I then pull her into a hug. "Heh, so the tides have turned now haven't they hm?" Abby whispers in to my ear. I start to giggle then burst out laughing and she joins me in this. "You know what let's just finish this profile... keep the bio they gotta love you flaws and dark secrets that aren't actually a secret and all!" Abby said turning to the laptop, "ok so now we need a profile picture..." I stop to think while Abby says "I think either, a picture of you, art that you've drawn, or some artsy or geeky photo on your phone..." I think a bit more before opening my phone and pulling up a piece I drew. "How about this?" Abby laughs and says perfect and we get the photo from the phone to the computer and select it as the profile picture. "Perfect! Now to click finish..." Abby says as she clicks the button. "Now what?" I ask. Abby shrugs her shoulders before smiling saying, "we go eat ice cream with the gang in celebration?" So we link our elbows and walk out of the room. Right after we leave the computer gives a little ping
-Little me notification-
Little_Phyco_ has commented on your profile

°°°authors treat°°°°°
The photo
Is up top! Sorry it's side ways

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