The final test 2

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As Abby, Toby, and I make our way back to the house I stop. "Hey, what's wrong?" Abby asks. "We shouldn't head back home. First were covered in blood. Second anyone hunting us will know where it is." I say to Abby. "Well then what are we supposed to do?! F***!?" Abby said as she tripped over a Branch. We all stood there for a little bit before Toby said, "how about my hideout?" He asked looking at us. I shrugged and Abby said it was worth a shot. So we started heading towards Toby's hideout. In a couple of minutes we got there. It was a pretty impressive tree house. In the hideout there was bandages and other supplies such as food and clothes. "Nice!" I said looking around the place. "I think we should do watches." Toby said pulling out some blankets and pillows. I nod and offer to go first. Everyone else nods in agreement for me to go first. We quickly decide that I'm going first then Abby then Toby and continue that pattern for the night. It was pretty peaceful until Toby woke me up on his second watch. "Hnm, what's wrong?." I ask rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "I heard something outside, it sounded like whispering." Toby whispered while wakeing up Abby. "Ugg, what do you want?" She said grumpy to be woken up. "Shh, people outside." Toby said quickly and quitely. "Well f***." Abby said quietly as Toby peeked outside. "See anything?" I ask as Toby shook his head. I grab my knife and look out the window. I saw some movement below and I could make out three sperate shapes moving around making noise. I slowly climbed through the window and on to a tree branch. I looked down aimed my self and jumped down landing on someone they screamed in terror I quickly slit their throat to stop the screaming. I look up at the other two figures. The moon just moved out from behind a tree and showed their terrified faces each one holding a wepon of some sort. I recognized them a George and Gabe. "I killed him so now you have two choices die now or join our team then die later. It's your choice." I said stand up with the blood of my victims on my body. They both nod their heads profusely. "Good come with me. I motion them to follow me and I start climbing back into the hideout. "Toby, Abby! I have some new members!" I say as I enter the hideout with the two boys following me. Toby raised his brow and Abby looked at them suspiciously. "I killed one of their members so I gave them the option of dieing then or later." I said matter of factly. We gave the two new members a job to do while we rested. There was suddenly a gun shot and Gabe who was looking out the window fell out. George suddenly screamed and jumped out running for his life we heard another gunshot then silence. We stayed we're we we're not moving. "Hey! There's three bodies here that hole team is dead let's move on!" A voice said from down below "naw, I wanna see what's up in that tree!" Another voice said. "Come on Jack we don't have time for this!" A female's voice said. There was then a scraping sound of Jack climbing the tree. I slowly moved over the the entrance hidding. Jack climbed in and yelled "Hey there is some pe-" he was cut off by me sliting his throat. He fell back out to the ground with a huge thud. The female's voice sounded out "Jack! No! You've just killed your whole team! Everyone for them selves!" She then proceed to stab her only living companion. Laughing histerically before her head was cut off by something. "Damn, that was annoying." A boy walked up and picked up the head. His other two team mates walked up beside him. "Toby do you have a gun?" I asked as Toby looked through his stuff before shaking his head no. I then pulled out the pistol that I took from Hoodie. "Hey, why don't we use my shotgun?" Abby asked. "To loud." I relpyed taking aim. I then fired of the gun. Hitting the boy in the shoulder. "Sh**!" I cursed under my breath while I took aim again. I fired again this time missing by a mile! Well it wasn't that bad I accidentally killed one of his friends. She just collapsed with a single twitch and stopped. "Ah f***." The boy cussed and pulled his other friend away into the darkness. We didn't meet anyone else that night but heard a lot of battles. I couldn't help but wonder what the cops were doing at this time. I then realized what the test was. Slenderman was seeing how well we could get away with crimes. I smiled as I went to wake Toby up for his final watch. Thinking that we got this in the bag.

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