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I sat there watching Toby be beat up by Masky and not react at all. It was a huge relief when Toby was pulled away for almost cutting off Masky's head with his ax. "All of you have passed the tests except for one and that test is where you will fight in teams of three and fight the other teams if even one person on your team dies your entire team is disqualified. So pick a strong team." Slenderman said as he cleaned up the dead bodies of children. Kids began grouping together as I tried to move through the crowd to find Toby. Finally I spot him, "Toby!" I yelled hopeing for a reaction. Toby turns around to face me "Aideen! Do you want to be on my team?" Toby asked. I smile, "of course! I was going to ask you the same thing!" I say as I walk closer to Toby. I then hear a groan behind me. "Ugg, Aideen why are you joining a loser like Toby?" A boy who's name I think is Derrick.  "What do you mean?" I ask turning around. "You know what I mean, your clearly the best here and your joining him because he's weak. You should join us we are going to win because it's going to be the top 3 well that is if you join us." Derrick said with a smug look on his face. "No, a team is how well you work together not the strongest." I say countering. Derrick looked suprised at my declined but then scoffed, "Look at all that talent going to waste!" He then turns away and jogs off to another person. "Hey Aideen, mabey you should..." Toby said upset over what Derrick said. I turn around and Pat him on the head "hey Toby I trust you and want to be on your team." I say as I hear a person yelling. I turn around and see Abby with a shotgun and a look of murder on her face. "Who the F*** is Toby." She yells as she arms the shotgun.

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