Bus Ride

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BEEP BEEP BEEP I wake up to my alarm going off. The time is 1:30 I slowly climbed out off bed to go take a shower. I pick up my favorite hoodie, a black T-shirt and, black jeans. The basic morning routine of showering, getting dressed, doing my hair, eating breakfast. After all that's done it's 2:00. 'wow! A new record!' I think as I head to my room to check that I have everything. After that's done I grab my stuff and call Abby to make sure she's leaving. She picks up "Ya?! Aideen I need to hurry I just woke up!" She said frantically on the other side of the phone I laugh and wish her good luck hanging up. I then call Toby he doesn't even pick up. I hope he's already there I say as I put down my phone and head out torwards the park. I quickly check my watch 2:35, right on time. I reach the park a 2:45 and see Toby right away. "Hey! Toby!" I yelled waving at him as I walk closer. "Aideen!" Toby's face split into a smile even though he had the face mask I could tell. After a couple minutes Abby showed up panting like a dog. "I made it!" She said between breaths of air. Some kid came around giving everyone a small 5 hour energy drink it was pretty nice. Toby and I put ours away while Abby chugged hers like there was no return. "Ah geeze I needed that." She said after finishing it. Toby and I started laughing at what just happened. Abby looked at us and held up her middle finger "well f*** you I need some sort of coffee thing in the morning to survive." She said. Right then a bus showed up it looked normal except for the fact that in stead of a license plate or any sort of number it was a symbol of an o with and x through it. The doors opened and out stepped Masky and Hoodie. "Alright line up and we'll check off your name." Masky said as everyone hurried to line up. When I reached him with Toby and Abby he just looked down and checked the paper then let us on the bus. Normally he would have asked for a name. Either way the three of us filled in and found seats where we could all sit together. Once every one was on the bus Hoodie sat in the driver's seat and Masky stayed standing. "This bus ride is going to be long like a couple of days and we will make a few stops along the way." Masky said before turning around and looking out the front window. The bus started up and left the park. I looked over Toby out the window we were driving away to who knows where and no one is going to know where we are. We'll probably be reported missing after around a week. The bus ride was pretty uneventful we would stop at places to stretch, use the toilet, or get some food other wise we were playing, sleeping, and eating on that bus. After a day of driving we stopped at an old abandoned gas station. Hoodie got out and Masky told everyone that this was not a stop were we would be getting off at. Everyone was very confused. It was when a gun shot went off that a few people started asking Masky questions like why did we stop or what's going on. Masky just kept saying to sit down and everything is fine. I grabbed my backpack and the flashlight in side along with my knife. "I think we should be prepared to fight or run." I whispered to Abby and Toby. They both noded and took out their wepons. It was then that something hit the bus, hard. The bus moved back and forth a bit. "Everyone stay where you are!" Masky said as he ran outside to see what happened. I stood up and grabbed my backpack. Abby then grabbed my arm "what are you doing?" She hissed at me. "There are 10 year olds here I'm going to comfort them." I say back to here walking out into the isle. I would talk to people who seemed scared and gave a pep talk to little kids. I was talking to a really scared kid when the bus was hit again but this time there was a moan of pain outside. The kid seemed even more scared "m-mis. We-we aren't going t-to die are w-we." He asked while his voice trembled. "No, no we won't." I said as I walked torwards the front of the bus. I looked out the door and saw Masky laying on the ground a huge cut across his body blood pooling around him.

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