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I wake up to the sound of pounding on the door of our cabin. "Be ready in 15 minutes." Someone said outside as they walked away. I get up making sure Abby woke up. "Ugg, I need some coffee..." She said as she rolled out of bed. Delia sat up and started to get dressed. "Helix, you need to wake up..." She said to the other girl who hadn't woken up. "Ugg, fine..." Helix groaned as she climbed down. We all got dressed and I started to brush my hair. "Who brings a hair brush to a place like this?" Helix said as she just brushed her hand through her hair. "Helix, don't be rude!" Delia said as she put on a mask with a derpy face on it. "Oh, you also haven't told me what happened that made you guys so late." Helix said not even apologizing. "Why do you care?" I ask brushing my teeth. "Seriously, now your brushing your teeth." She said laughing. "Oh so you don't want to be able to eat?" I ask while I finish. "Excuse me?" Helix said narrowing her eyes. I ignore her as I put on my shoes. "Aideen... Do you think they'll have coffee?" Abby asked as she quickly ran a brush through her hair. "I don't know, we better go through." I say as Abby and I leave the cabin. We spot a bunch of people gathering in a group so we head there. It was a loud and crazy mess. I tried to spot Toby or anyone I knew but failed. "Everyone shut up!" Someone yelled up ahead everyone imiditly were quiet. I could see a person in front of the group with Jeff and Laughing Jack. "Some of you may know us others may not. I'm the puppeteer, this is Jeff the Killer and Laughing Jack or L.J for short." The man who yelled said. A person moved and I was able to get a good look at him, he had gold glowing eyes but every thing else was some form of gray, white, or black. "Let's get down to business, each cabin will be responsible for something here at camp. Whether it be cooking or cleaning it is your cabins job." The puppeteer said. "I'm going to call two cabin numbers and a chore, those two cabins will be responsible for that chore. We don't care how you do the chore as long as it gets done." Jeff said stepping forward he then proceeded to call out numbers and chores. Our cabin got paired up with cabin number three and we were in charge of meals. "Now all of you are expected to have these chores done by this time every day. Today your getting some slack so you all better get started." Jeff said after everyone was assigned. My cabin and cabin three hurried torwards the kitchen. "Ugg I can't believe we have to do this." Helix complained as she put on an apron. I was already thinking of something we could cook quickly and easily. "Who actually learned to cook?" I heard someone say and everyone there looked around. I sighed and said "I do, my dad taught me." Abby then said, "and her food tasts great!" When everyone looked at her she shrank away. "So what should we do?" A thin pale boy asked. "Something quick and easy." I say thinking, "how about eggs, pancakes, and a smoothie?" I ask looking to people. They eached noded except Helix who was glaring at me. I shrugged it off and started to give people directions on what to do. By the time people where coming in we had more than enough food to serve. A lot of people would say it was the best they have had so far. It was a couple of minutes when Slenderman came to talk to us. "Well done, I came to tell you that you might want to get up even earlier than others to prepare the food for them, don't forget to come back to make lunch and dinner." After he said that he just walked off. "What should we do?" Someone said in desperation. "Calm down," I said already having a plan, "We can just make everything in the morning or at least prep it. We can always prepare for later." I say to everyone. They look at me like I'm a crazy person. "What do you mean?" A boy in a jump suit asked. "We can figure out what we're going to make and set everything up at night and in the morning make everything or at least part of it, then put it in the fridge or freezer come back later and cook it." I say trying to explain it to them. They all seem to understand. "Well we better start..." Delia said. Everyone then began to talk about what to cook.

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