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"ok Aideen we need to test your agility." Jeff said obviously upset. I nodded and wait for instructions. "Just do some cool sh** so we can be done." Jeff says. So I do back flips, doge rocks that Jeff threw at me and other stuff. "Ok, good we're done let's head back now." Jeff says heading off into the bushes but I stay we're I am not moving. "Hey, kid come on we need to head back!" Jeff says after reappearing from the bushed. I suddenly push Jeff down as an ax flys over head. "H-hey! What the F***!" Jeff cusses. "Sorry but I think someone was trying to kill you." I say as I get up and pull the ax out of the tree and inspect it. "Seriously? Who would try to do that?" Jeff asked "I guess I have to thank you because I would have been attached to that tree..." Jeff paused "don't tell anyone that I thanked you got that!" Jeff said clearly emberrased so I just not and start heading back with Jeff. "Ah Jeff how did it go?" Slenderman asked. "Great except someone tried to pin my head to a tree with an ax." Jeff said going to sit on a log. "So I'm going to assume that she passed with flying colors." Slenderman said looking at the grumpy man. It was a couple of minutes before everyone came back and all of the watchers talked to Slenderman. " Now that everyone is back I can say who is disqualified. Adam, Serrina, Jackson and Helen. You are all disqualified." Slenderman said with no indifference to each child. The 4 disqualified started screaming and crying saying that they could do better while they were draged away to be murdered. "The next challenge is that you all will be facing a watcher that is not of your own." Slenderman stated, "I will now pair you all up." After going through his list I got Hoodie and Toby got Masky. "Each person's fight will be viewed by all now going in alphabetical order, Aiden you will be going first, now remember this is life or death." Slenderman said. Aiden was facing Laughing Jack I could see how terrified he was. It was a short battle ending with Aiden dieing. "Aideen? It's your turn." Slenderman said as Hoodie walked into the makesift arena. I walked in feeling a little apprehensive until I heard the words "this is life or death". I took a deep breath and relaxed. Hoodie pulled out a small pistol and I stand still with a blank face. Hoodie took aim and fired for my leg the moment I heard the gun shot I jumped as high as I could twisting in air and performing a front flip straight on to Hoodie's shoulders. Hoodie as I expected was surprised to have me on his shoulders and lost his balance falling backwards. While he was falling I jumped off him making him fall harder. When he hit the ground there was a loud thus. I made sure to stay as close as possible to Hoodie to make it harder for him to use his gun. As Hoodie began to get up I waited. I could hear people "chanting finish him" over and over again I tuned it out. It was only Hoodie and me I was beginning to think of the best way to kill him when he got fully up and pointed the pistol at me I moved closer but slowly. Hoodie kept his nerve and didn't move I suddenly dash forward and grab the pistol. Hoodie then started to pull out another pistol. Before Hoodie could pull out the pistol I grabbed the other one. I now had a knife and a gun. I do not know how to use a gun. I point the tip to Hoodie's heart and I whisper "If it's point blank it won't miss right?" As I'm whispering Hoodie puts the other gun to my head. Everyone is dead silent. I simultaneously stab Hoodie and twist around to his back making it hard for him to shoot me along with the fact that he had a huge cut right through his stomach. I then move the gun to his head. It was then that someone pulled me away from Hoodie saying that's enough. Jeff was holding me back yelling at me "Enough is enough!" I snap back to reality everyone is stareing at me and Hoodie was having a bandage wrapped around his stomach. Jeff then pulled me out of the arena and put me down away from everyone else. "Why didn't you stop when we told you to!" Jeff said anger covering his entire face. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you..." I said with my head down. Jeff sighed "Your probably the top person right now, everyone is going to want to fight you. Hell I want to fight you..." Jeff said as he trailed off and wandered away. Toby then ran over to me, "That was amazing! Aideen! So you've taken down Hoodie and a dude with an assult rife!" Toby was obviously excited. "Heh don't forget laughing Jack and the dude who killed my family and another dude." I said to Toby joking. Toby's jaw dropped "Laughing Jack!" He praticly yelled. I nodded "Jeff was worried that I would end up killing him and they both had to team up to stop me..." Toby was in awe I just laughed. "Your up soon and your fighting Masky." I said to Toby. "Hm ya I'm kinda worried..." Toby replyed messing with the ax that he had. "Toby you got this you'll do great! I know you will!" I say trying to encourage him. "Toby! It's your turn." Slenderman said as Masky walked into the arena. "Hey Toby!" I say as he gets up "ya?" He didn't even look back "don't die ok." I say hopeing that this won't be the last time I talk to him. "I won't." Was all he said before running to the arena.

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