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I woke up to the sound of police sirens and a bunch of chatter. I look around and see Abby waking up Toby. I quickly get up and start packing up some supplies. "We need to go now" I whispered to them. They both noded back and we started to gather the stuff we needed before some one said "Let's head back write this up and let the detective deal with it." It was a chubby police officer who obviously wanted to leave as soon as possible. The other people there noded and started to walk away. Abby, Toby and I quickly excape from the scene doing our best to not leave any trails. I lead them to my old house where my family was killed. "Hey, Aideen where are we going?" Toby asked. "To my house." I said not even looking back. We head through the back and jump the wall. We arrive at the house where I unlock it with my key. The alarm went off and I rushed to turn it off. Once I did that I give Toby a house turor of the house while Abby went to take a shower. "Wow! This is a nice place." Toby said while looking at the dragon collection my dad had. "Ya..." I say looking around the house that I hadn't visited for at least two years. "We can use this as a base till this hole thing is over." I say heading to the kitchen to see what food we had. I heard a knock and turned around to see Jeff knocking on one of the back windows. I go over and open the door letting him in. "Why are you here?" I ask a little apprehensive. "Just came to tell you that your team has passed. You'll get your letters in the mail soon." He said as he went and looked at the knives in the kitchen. "Bye kid see you at camp creepy." Was all Jeff said as he opened the back door and left. Toby then walked in. "Who was that?" He asked as grabbing an apple. "Jeff, he said we passed and that the letters will be coming soon." I said looking at Toby who stopped eating the apple to celebrate. "Yes! We passed!" Toby yelled throwing his hands up in the air. I couldn't help but laugh and celebrate with him. Abby then walked in looking very grumpy "why are you f***ing yelling?" She said walking into the kitchen. "We passed the tests! We're going to camp creepy!" Toby squealed. Abby then smiled a bit "I have no f***ing idea what that is!" She said. I started laughing at this.

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