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I wake up with my room even messier than before. I sigh remembering that I have to pack all day. I look at the letter-
You will need a
sleeping bag
Your weapon/weapons of choice
A flashlight
Clean clothes a lot might I add
Swimming suit
At least two sets of shoes preferably hiking
Anything you may want or need for the trip
"So I'm going to need shoes, sleeping bag, flashlight, and some personal stuff." I mumble to my self as I start getting dressed. Abby and Toby went back to their places to get ready yesterday so I'm alone here. I sigh thinking that I'm lucky that my parents payed off the house and the water and electricity companies are letting me out of paying the bills for a while. I look around my room. I recently got the stuff from Abby's house and brought it back here. I head to the kitchen to start making breakfast when I hear the TV on. 'who could that be?!' I wonder as I walk into the room. Toby is sitting on the couch playing Minecraft. "Toby?! What are you doing here?" I ask a bit suprised. "Hey Aideen! Did you sleep well?" He asked turning to look at me. "Toby I didn't give you a house key so you could just come in when ever you want." I say heading back to the kitchen. "I thought it would be fun if we went shopping for supplies together!" Toby Sid getting up and walking into the kitchen. "Do you have any waffles?" He asked as I was looking through the fridge. "We might have some eggos in the freezer in the garage..." I say pulling out some pancakes I had made earlier. I then see Toby run off torwards the garage where there might be frozen eggos. After I heat up the pancakes and put them on a plate Toby comes back holding a box of frozen eggos like it was a gift from heaven. "The Waffle God's have blessed this house!" He yelled joking around we both started laughing when I got a text from Abby. 'hey I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping today?' she asked over text. 'ya! Toby is here as well we could all go!' I text backed. There was a little pause before she sent me 'Toby is there? I'm coming now I'm letting you and that weirdo be alone together!' I laugh and tell Toby that Abby is coming with us. We finish making breakfast and sit down to eat. Toby then removed his mask to eat I then realized that I had never seen him with out it. He had his entire right cheek was gone showing his teeth. I thought it was cool but didn't say anything. I instead turned on a the TV and watched YouTube with Toby till we finished eating. I got ready to go when the door bell rang. "I got it!" I yelled to Toby who was in the kitchen packing a snack. I ran to the door and opened it seeing Abby. "Hey!" I say letting her in. "Hey Aideen, are you guys almost ready to go?" She said walking in. "Ya Toby's packing a snack and I'm getting my list of things I need." I say pointing torwards the kitchen where Toby was. I then head to my room to grab my list of things I wrote down. "Aideen! Are you ready yet?" Toby yelled from the front door. "Ya!" I yelled back quickly grabbing my knife and heading over to them. We all head into Abby's car and start driving to a Walmart. "Does everyone know what they need?" I ask them when we get there. They both nod yes. So we head in to the Walmart. Things go quite well we we're finding what we need until a mother and her daughter came up to me. "Um excuse me but are you by any chance Aideen Woodman?" The woman asked holding her small child's hand. "Yes? Is there something I could help you with?" I ask turning to them. "My daughter and I saw you fight off the man with a rifle on YouTube and Sera here really looks up to, so I was wondering if we could get your autograph and a picture?" She asked while the little girl Sera looked very excited. "Of course!" I say posing for the photo and then signing a piece of paper the woman had. "Thank you!" She said as she walked off so we could continue shopping. "So your famous now hm?" Abby said as she wriggled her eyebrows. "No I'm not someone just taped me and put me on YouTube." I said not really wanting to be famous. We continue shopping for the stuff we need before running into some people I recognized from the test. Before I could hide us they spotted Toby. He isn't that hard to miss. "Hey!" A tall girl, I think her name was Alice, walked torwards us. "You guys went to meeting right? Ya you did I recognize you!" Alice said cheerfully looking at Abby. I felt uncomfortable with us hanging out. "So you guys passed to?" I asked apprehensive. They all noded and we stood there awkwardly. "Since we're all here why don't we shop together?" Alice suggested trying to break the silence. I shrugged thinking why not but I looked over to my friends for confirmation. They seemed fine with it so we all continued as a group. Finishing the shopping with three new friends, Alice, Jas, and Higgs.

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