Creature of the Dark

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Masky laied there not moving I pulled out my knife as the bus was hit again this time a few people screamed. I slowly opened the door and snuck out over the body. I listened hard. Heard three sets of breathing. One from Masky which was more like a quiet coughing, another ragged breathing, and a quick short breath like something panting. I looked around I could make out a shape on the ground and a shape next to the bus. I moved slowly to the thing next to the bus. I could see it ram the bus with it's side. I slowly crept forward until it stopped and sniffed the air. I realized it could smell me I felt a rock near by and an idea popped into my head I threw the rock and it clattered near by. It didn't even react to the noise or the movement of my body the moon then came out it was nearly full. I saw the creature it looked like a human but mutated. It had no ears and it's eyes were scratched out leaving only it's huge snout. I could see it's claws and sharp fangs in the pale moon light. I looked around for something I could use it distracted it with I then remembered my spray deodorant. Quickly pull it out of my backpack. And spray it next to the bus then quickly move away. The creature then points it's head to the deodorant. Another thought popped into my head as I pulled out some stick deodorant and perfume. I opened the deodorant and the creature then looked at me growling. I set the deodorant on the ground and move around the creature as it approaches the deodorant. When I was right next to it I sprayed some perfume right in it's nose. I howled in pain I quickly cut it on where I think it's throat is. I feel the warm blood on my hands and the creature grow quite. I listen for anything else, nothing. "Someone bring bandages! Now we're going to need a lot!" Yelled as people inside the bus start moving and flashlights come on. I turn on mine and look around Hoodie was laying on the ground bleeding as well as Masky. I grab my deodorants and put them in my backpack. I look around in it for some bandages as people got out and a few screamed at the sight. Even though some of us we're scared we managed to bandage up Masky and Hoodie. People also made sure the creature was dead, cleaned up the blood and, drove the bus some where out of the way from others. We camped there waiting for Masky or Hoodie to wake up. I looked around the front for a walkytalky while I was looking around I found a map on it where places to stop and where we needed to go. I scanned the map and found where we were. I stood up at the front "I found a map and it has all the places we need to go to! I think we should continue the route! It'll be better then staying here!" I yelled to everyone one. A lot of people wheren't sure about the map but every one agreed that we shouldn't wait here. I sat down in the seat when a kid came up to me and whispered, "I'm going to help, if there is some sort of authority people will be more calm or listen to you." I nod turning the key in the bus and starting to follow the map. In a couple of hours we make it to the first stop on the map. The kid next to me told everyone to stay seated while we check the area out. He and I walked out and a bulky man stepped out of the store we parked in front of. "Hey! Where is Masky and Hoodie! I'm not going to listen to some kids.." Trailed off at the look of our faces. "We we're attacked and their both badly ingured, can you help?" I ask him pointing to the bus. "Get them out here I'll see what I can do." He said heading back into his store. We had four people carry Hoodie and Masky out of the bus. The man came back out with another woman. She had blood red eyes and her skin was stitched together she looked like a zombie. "Hello, I'm nurse Ann where are my patients?" She asked as we brought her Hoodie and Masky. She brought them into the back while the man gave each of us a meat sandwich. We ended staying there for two days, that was when Masky woke up he was apparently less ingured than Hoodie. A lot of the kids were happy to see him when he walked out from the back. Later on in the day Hoodie woke up and we were able to continue on the trip. Everyone was a lot more tense and closer after what happened.

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