Hospital bed story?

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I just woke up in a hospital with an I.V. stuck in my arm. It was dark and I could tell that something was trying to move around with out being seen. Like the logical person I am I sat and waited for it to pop up. A couple moments went by  before I got annoyed. "Ok! Who's there!" I ask into the darkness before a knife showed up next to me and a arm. I quickly sit up and grab the arm disarming it then pointing the knife at the thing. "So Toby was right you are pretty good." A pale figure said as it got up. It was hard to tell whether it was a girl or boy but based on the voice I would assume a boy. Still I was pretty confused. "Excuse me, but who are you and why are you here?" The man looked suprised that I was asking questions. "Ok definitely not like the others they would have asked, why were you trying to stab me or how do you know Toby" He said getting closer to my face, "but you, you ask the right questions, my name's Jeff, Jeff the Killer and I'm here to see if your eligible to go to Camp Creepy." He said while looking around the room for something. "So any way I'm going to be watching you for the next few days, think of it as a test." Jeff said picking up something off the floor. "Welp see you later kid." Jeff said right before jumping out of the window. Leaving me there extremely confused.

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