Camp Creepy

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After three and a half days, discounting the days Hoodie and Masky had to get better, we arrive at a forrest. "Welcome to camp creepy. Don't run off or else you will be killed." Masky said while Hoodie parked the bus next to three others. "So welcoming am I right?" Abby said being sarcastic looking out at the dark creepy forrest. "Alright everyone can get off the bus in single file." Masky said as everyone stood up and slowly made there way out of the bus. Everyone was gathering  outside in groups. Hoodie got out and locked the bus after everyone got off. "Follow us if you want to live." Masky said as he began to walk into the forrest. Everyone started to follow him until we got to a clearing in the trees. There were cabins scattered around the clearing, you could sorta see a lake through the trees and there was a fire in the center of the clearing, where it appeared that everyone was gathering around. Masky quickly lead us to the clearing. "Masky, why did your group arrive so late?" Slenderman asked as we got to the crowd of kids. "Something came up and we had to take a break for a while." Masky replyed. "I will want the full details later." Slenderman said to Masky who nodded and walked away. "Now that everyone is here, I shall put you in your cabins." Slenderman said turning to the children. He then proceeded to list off  cabin numbers and four names for each cabin. I'm in cabin number 6 with Abby and two people I don't know. "Now that you know where you are going to stay I will let you go sleep." Slenderman said walking off. While everyone grabbed their stuff and started heading to their cabins. Abby and I start walking torwards a cabin with a great view of the lake and the forrest. It had a faded green and red paint job along with a wooden 6 on the front. I open the door to see two girls in the cabin. One was sitting on a top bunk and ignored us the other one stood up quickly. "Hello! My name is Delia! It's a pleasure to spend this time with you!" She said with a loud voice. I shook her hand while saying "I'm Aideen and this is my friend Abby." Abby just stood there looking awkward before saying hi. We settled in picking our beds, the mystery girl and Abby on a top bunk, Delia and I on a bottom one. I pulled out my sleeping bag and pillow, too tired to get changed out of my bloody clothes. While I was setting up my bed the mystery girl spoke up, "hey your from that masked dude's group right?" She asked rolling over to look at me. I just nod and continue doing what I was. "So what happened you guys were the only ones to come late and covered in blood, even so your the one who was covered in it the most." Her voice almost had a snear to it. "Hey, I can tell you in the morning it's been a ruft trip." I say climbing into my sleeping bag. "No I want to hear this now." She said. I just rolled over and ignored her eventually falling asleep.

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