New friend?

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It's been a while since I started the Little Me page and so far tons of people have contacted me although it's mostly because they saw me on TV or they were asking if I'm joking about my family. As always I tell them that I'm not joking and this isn't a fake profile. Even though just about every one was an idiot of some sort there was one person Little_Phyco_ who caught my attention. They were the first person to contact me and what can I say, we hit it off almost instantly. The only problem is that we've never seen each other before and today I'm meeting him for the first time at a really great small restaurant, called Nummy co. I know I know stranger danger stranger danger, but Im going to be fine. Why, because I've been taking martial arts classes and is pretty good. I'll at least know how to unarm him... At least I'm pretty sure it's a him... After about a 10-15 minute drive I arrive at the restaurant, park, and walk over to the store. "Aideen!" I'm instantly greeted by the person over the counter, yes I'm a regular. "What are you getting today?" The cashier asked. "Actually I'm meeting up with some one today..." I say a little nervous. "Oh?, A boyfriend or girlfriend?" The cashier says as he wriggles his eyebrows. I giggle a little and say no just a friend from the internet. He smiles and turns to a customer who has decided what they want to eat. I decided to message him in Little Me telling him that I was here and I got a quick response of "I'm right outside! I think I see you! Short hair, black t and black jeans?" Little_Phyco_ replys. This being a description of me I said yup that's me and a boy around my age of 17 came up to me and held out his hand for me to shake. "H-hi! Mmy n-name's Toby! Nice to m-meet you!" He had a stutter along with twitches. Toby was wearing a rugged blue jacket, tan pants, a gray shirt of some sort and, and face mask like the kind doctors give you when you have a cough. I shook his hand and said "Aideen! Pleasure to meet you!" With a huge smile on my face, "how about we order something?" I ask grabbing a menu and handing it to Toby. "W-what about you?" Toby asked since I hadn't grabbed one for my self, "I w-wasn't that l-late was I?" Toby furrowed his brows as he cracked his neck. "Hm? Oh no, I come here a lot so I have the menu memorized." I say to him while looking at the specials. Out of the corner of my eye I see the cashier whispering something to Toby as his eyes got wider a few twitches here and there as he listened. I sighed and walked over, "John? What are you telling Toby? Hopefully not spreading rumors, right?" I say looking at John the cashier. "N-no! Never why would you think that! I was just saying that even if you cheat in a game here at the store you know how to beat the person! And you've never cheated on a game! It's amazing!" John complimented me. "It's not that special..." I said slightly embarrassed, scratching the back of my neck. John smiled "Anyways do you know what you want to order?" John said as he leaned back over the counter. "I know I do, but Toby do you?" I asked turning to the obviously torn boy. "Um I w-would like number... 2 n-no... 6... No um w-why is is so hard to c-choose!" Toby said as he looked at the menu. " Can we have two butterfly teas and a 5, 4, 2, and, a 6." I say to John. Toby just stood there for a moment twitching before saying "W-wait are you sure about o-ordering that much?!" At this I giggle a little "If you can't decide just order 2 different ones, that's what my mom always did." I say while pulling Toby to a table torwards the back. "Here you can pick a game while I go get our drinks." I say while getting back up to go to the counter. Grabbing our drinks and straws, I head back to the table. "Hey, um A-aideen, I may have to l-leave a bit earlier then I t-thought..." Toby said while scratching the back of his head. I was a bit startled by this but then smiled "Its ok" I say as I sit down "Do you know when specifically you need to leave?" I ask while sipping my drink. "Um, in l-like 30 minutes." Toby said "s-sorry I couldn't s-stay longer, something came u-up..." He finished looking down at his drink. I, however, was determined not to let this time go to waste. "Ok, then we need to make use of the 30 minutes we have!" I said looking straight at Toby, "Let's get to know each other better!" I say while giving him a smile. "Uh, o-ok... Can y-you go first?" Toby asked. "Oh, sure!" I say joyfully, "You know that my parents are dead..." I said trailing off trying to think of something interesting about myself. "I-i doubt that's t-the only thing interesting a-about you." Toby joked as I thought about what to say. "Heh, I guess there is the fact that I took phycology for 4 years and that I'm pretty efficient in hand to hand combat." I said as I sipped my drink. "F-four years of p-phycology!" Toby exclaimed, "geeze y-you must be r-really smart!" He finished and I'm pretty sure I had a look of suprise on my face when he said that. "It's nothing special I also took culinary and child development because I wanted to be a teacher... It's honestly not that big of a deal." I said kinda embarrassed. "I-i ended up being h-homeschooled due to b-bullies..." Toby said trailing off. We were both silent for a little bit. To break the awkward silence I said, "I'm going to go get our food..." I got up and grabbed the tray and headed back to the table to set the food down. The food was in to go containers so that way costumers could just get up and leave seeing as they already paid. "So um how about we talk about our interests?" I say as I sit back  down. Luckily we were able to start chatting. After a little while I realized that Toby hadn't even taken off his mask to eat. "Hey um Toby aren't you going to eat?" I asked trying not to sound rude. "Oh um s-sorry but I have a s-scar on my face and I d-don't really want people to s-see it." Toby explained slightly emberrased. I nodded understanding where he is coming from. After what seemed like 5 minutes Toby got up saying "A-aideen, I gotta go but it was fun h-hanging out with you!" I looked up at him a little surprised before getting up my self. "It was a lot of fun! Maybe we can hang out a more later?" I asked while cleaning up. Before Toby could relpy a gun shot went off and a bunch of people started screaming while a man where in full black was holding an assault rifle. Before anything else happened I dashed outside torwards the man. Right before I opened the door the man saw me and pointed the gun at me his finger on the trigger.

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