"Do I Know You"

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The buzzing was new to me. It was harsh—deep in my ear. It felt like my head was stinging with a pain that was soothing almost. Like it was reassuring me of something. I thought it was just a new addition to my magic.
I was wrong.
When I walked to the courtyard, the pain dulled in the slightest bit. My eyes squinted on the observation. Then, avoiding the stares of others, I walked around the courtyard, stopping when the buzzing increased in volume, trailing back, deciding to go into a different direction.
"Merlin?" Gwaine's voice suddenly echoed off. Halting to a stop, I faced the man, who was giving a mixed grin. Was he concerned—amused?
"I know last night at the tavern was pretty wild, but don't overdo yourself." He chuckled upon seeing my expression in response.
"No, Gwaine. I have this buzzing." I gestured to my head. "It's like a calling or something..." I trailed off, realizing how stupid I sounded. A calling? What would be calling me? And what would it want with me anyway?
"Do you need any assistance, Milord?" Kylan entered the conversation with a questioning tone, walking over to Gwaine and me.
I waved him away, currently concentrated on the minuscule pain in my head. "No, it's alright." My eyes shifted up, searching the forest, looking to see if there was anything worth aiding my predicament. "I'll be back soon." Before I left to the grove, I heard a comment escape Gwaine's lips.
"He was at the tavern last night."


The first sense I experienced was touch. Cold, smooth water ran up my body, bubbles of trapped air gliding along with the liquid. The feeling was euphoric—refreshing.
That was until I experienced the pain. The burning in my lungs. I needed oxygen. My arms wildly pushed against the water.
A few moments passed, and I felt myself still deep beneath the water. My mind was mush, lungs trying to grasp onto what little oxygen I had left, the rest of my body dissipating into a numb sensation.
My hand reached the surface, wet hands coming in contact with crisp, cold air. That was enough encouragement for me. Racing to the surface, I let my mouth go first, gasping hungrily for breath. Then my eyes escaped the depths, water dripping down my face in fluid motions, as the rest of my body reached land, the warm soil making contact with my skin.
I wasted a couple of minutes just laying there—breathing air. It was different from Avalon. It was warm—full of life. It was comfortable there; but it was lonely. And cold. Very, very cold.
"Hey! Over here!" a voice suddenly resonated through the air. I heard footsteps making paths towards my direction.
Were they here to help?
Standing up, I scanned my field of vision, settling my eyes on a group of men with weapons unsheathed. Stumbling, I walked over with fatigue. "Do you know the way to Camelot?" I questioned, squinting my eyes against the malicious smile that several of the foreigners gave.
"Camelot, eh? You're behind schedule," one man chuckled darkly.
My stomach churned with foreboding anxiety and confusion. What did he mean?
The man rolled his head to crack the neck, before thrusting his sword forward, advancing on me. "You look familiar to my eye." He then turned to face his comrades. "Doesn't he?"
The others nodded with slight shock, realization now hitting them. But before I could react, the man turned to me, aiming to land a slice on my chest. Luckily, the man missed, as I then tried to flee from the battle.
In times like these I was often unfortunate, though.
Tripping, I landed on my back, coming in harsh contact with the ground, dirt and leaves sticking to my damp clothes. I took heavy breaths, trying to compose myself. Everything would turn out alright. My eyes scanned the bandits up and down, watching in a paralyzed state as they slowly stalked up to me, ready to strike.
"I don't have any money," I mumbled loud enough for them to comprehend.
One of the bandits just chuckled in reply, maliciously twirling his sword. "That's not what we want."
My eyebrows scrunched upon his reply. Scooting back cautiously, I gazed at the glint of the man's sword penetrate against the rays of the sun. "I'm confused on what you're asking of," I tried to reason.
The group shared a dark, slightly pitiful laugh, eyeing me with amusement. My mind stared in anxiety. What were they going to do? A shuffle of leaves and twigs suddenly broke off the laughter, as the men then turned towards the noise, their stances now all defiant and full of confidence.
"Who goes there?" one of the men questioned. The newcomer didn't reply.
More swoops of air were heard. Leaves on the trees were shaking ever so slightly. I gave a small smirk, confused on their tactic of stealth. My thoughts completely shifted from commiseration to surprise when a blade cut through the atmosphere, one of the men formerly standing now on the ground, crimson seeping from his clothing. I stayed on the forest floor, deciding to stay to wait for my savior.
The battle continued, and it was obvious which side was winning. The bandits fell down one by one. Whoever was doing this was skilled. When the last man dropped, the stranger's silhouette made an appearance. It was a rough sight—the forest's lighting dim against the figure. My eyes squinted, trying to seek the foreigner out. The person then took a step forward, as I then realized—everything clicked. Eyes widened, I stared at the man with shock. Dark hair that swept over his head, ashen skin a contrast to the locks, eyes a beautiful, mysterious blue.
He gracefully walked over to me, unlike the man he used to be. My body trembled, feeling waves of different emotions hitting me—a rough desire to kiss him—to tell him I've returned. But when I searched his eyes, a blank slate was all I found. He leaned down, staring me down like a hawk, his posture calm and collective. He was analyzing.
"I see you know how to use a sword now," I croaked, feeling his breath feathering against my face. He was damn good with it, too.
Merlin's eyes fluttered with confusion. "Are you hurt?" he questioned.
I shook my head in reply, gratefully accepting Merlin's hand as he pulled me up. His eyes then met mine, slight concern making an appearance when he raised his eyebrows. Clearing his throat, Merlin then stepped away, releasing his grip from my hand.
"Merlin?" I asked, giving an anxious chuckle, taking a step towards him.
Then he spoke those four words that broke my heart.
"Do I know you?"

A/N: CHAPTER ONE IS FINISHED! I'm excited to begin the second book with all of you! The support on the last book was absolutely amazing! I hope y'all will love this book just as much! Bye!

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