"Was Once A Commoner"

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"We cannot allow such documents to be signed," claimed one of the people from the council.
Letting my fingers play with my bottom lip, I paced, as my mind sought for a conclusion. My eyes then met the man who earlier spoke, deciding to justify my idea. "If it's a democracy, the people would make the decisions. We won't have to worry about their happiness if they help execute our acts."
Another man scoffed from my reply. Shifting my eyes to him, I raised a brow, analyzing his moves.
The man rubbed the hairs on his chin, giving a snide look. "If you were to give the people all of the power, you might as well strip your title as King."
"Then I will."
Another man at the table leaned forward. Grey eyes were filled with slight amusement and curiosity. "And why would you want to give the power most would crave to the people?" He questioned.
Glancing to the floor for a short moment, my mind retaliated. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. But the people needed to make the right decisions for the kingdom. I couldn't always possibly be right. I subconsciously bit my lip. "I was once a commoner—a peasant if you'd like to call it," I began. "I remember not always feeling that most decisions that some kings made were justified and best for the kingdom." Making eye contact with the council, I shifted into a confident stance, giving them a stern gaze. "I'm sure the people would want as such."
The man who had responded with a scoff earlier clenched his fists, giving me a rough glare. "You don't realize this is an idiotic idea, Milord. To completely remove our power and hard work-"
"May I remind you that some of us were born into such wealth," I retorted, gliding a step closer to the elder. My brows laced I'm angered surprise as the man mumbled about the imbecilic idea. Why did my father appoint a man with this pessimistic and rude attitude?
Tilting my head, I stared to him. "What is your name?"
Giving a suppressed, cocky glance, he swallowed a remark down his throat before answering. "Alvah, Milord."
"Is there anything troublesome about this plan, Alvah?" When he didn't reply, I blinked, watching him wearily. "I know removing your power is sudden and forced; but I promise you that it will be the best for Aeyland."
The lord didn't move. Although he remained still on the outside, his mind was clicking. What he was thinking about, though, I wasn't sure.
Internally sighing, I strode to the door. "Council dismissed."


"Merlin? Are you alright?"
He rubbed brow in reply, heaving a tired sigh. "I'm tense."
"I'm aware."
I watched silently as he strode to his desk, yanking on a knob to pull several drawers open in rushed motions.
Tense was an understatement.
Merlin's footsteps fell harder every time he made his way across the room; rearranging scrolls, picking up thrown clothes off the floor—he paced without stopping.
"Merlin," I tried again, taking a step forward to stop him. He slid out of my grip, rushing to his desk to grab a book. Squinting to read the cover, I found that there were several cryptic inscriptions on there, the leather bound book dusted on the edges. It was a spell book, no doubt. I've seen the same style of writing in one of Gaius's bookshelves. It was neatly packed away from sight, but my curious eye couldn't be tricked.
Wiping my face from the memory, I didn't have time to comprehend as Merlin then traveled to the door, the spell book in hand.
"Where are you going?"
I grunted upon the short, vague reply, and followed him.


"You go here often?" I asked, poking a stick in the ground, twirling it absentmindedly in the dirt. When Merlin didn't reply, I scooted closer to him, raising my head over his scrunched stance, gazing at the cryptic symbols layered on the delicate pages. "How do you even read these?" My face contorted in confusion.
Merlin sighed in defeat and aggravation, dropping the book to place it facedown in his lap. "Is this what you did? Pester me?"
I gave him a playful glare. "I'm not pestering. I'm just giving you something to work off of."
Merlin raised an unpersuaded eyebrow. "How so?"
I pondered before replying. "The spell book."
"Yes; what about it?"
"Show me a spell."
Merlin's eyes met mine, blue orbs misting. "I didn't think you'd approve of my magic," he quietly mumbled.
Smiling, I took the book from his lap, and replaced it to face his eyes. "Of course I do. It's how I realized I loved you."
Love, my mind internally corrected.
Merlin didn't seem to notice—just gave me a slightly concerned stare before turning to the leather bound book, flipping through several pages to search for a spell suitable in this conversation. "What do you want me to do?" He asked, eyes scanning over inscriptions.
Giving a grin, I shifted in my spot, staring at him. "Anything."
Merlin instantly paused once I spoke the word, freezing as if something stopped him from moving.


"Show me," Arthur mumbled.
"Show me," he voiced again. "Your magic. I want to see it."
I looked down to our intertwined hands. Slowly taking mine out of his grasp, I felt the coldness return to my palms. "What do you want me to do?" I asked.
He gave a soft smile. "Anything."


Merlin suddenly shook his head, now out of his temporary, hypotonic state.
"Merlin?" I asked softly.
"Yeah," he mumbled, slightly dazed from what had just happened. "I'm fine."
Giving him a moment to settle, I then coughed, gesturing to the spell book awkwardly. "You said you were going to show me a spell."
Cracking a smile, Merlin nodded, his nose in the book once again, sifting through the pages. I stared at the scene with wistful eyes. His concentrated expression reminded me of just how beautiful he really was.
"Okay," Merlin said with an accomplished tone. Giving a glance to the book for the chant, he then faced the open field in front of us, lifting a hand in the air. The words tumbled off his lips in a poetic fashion—memorized and instinctual. It was a gorgeous sight.
When the hue transformed back to blue, my eyes gazed ahead, breathing a smile at the sight. There, in the comfort of the grass, lay a brown rabbit.
"A rabbit?" I laughed, leaning forward to pick up the creature. It's fur was soft—the coat polished in the rays of sunlight.
Merlin shrugged in my peripheral vision, letting a smile sweep over his face, the former, tense posture now replaced with joy. "I didn't want to smite you to dust. I felt that would make a bad impression."
Chuckling at his joke, I gently returned the rabbit to the ground, watching as it sniffed, scouring the area for food.
My ears suddenly twitched as Merlin recited another spell. A short second later, a carrot was then placed next to delicate creature. The rabbit began to nibble on it with satisfaction.
"Didn't know you could do that," I spoke with shock.
Merlin blushed in reply, shifting in his position to scoot the book aside, giving the rabbit intent eyes.
Another grin wiped over my face in amazement. "It's extraordinary. You can create life."
His flushed complexion reddened even more upon my comment. Trying to conceal his smile, Merlin tilted his head away from me, deciding to focus on the rabbit.
The rushed emotions then suddenly stabbed me like a sword. My mind forced back the thought of kissing him. Internally groaning, I fell back in frustration, staring up to the sky for reassurance.
Was he oblivious to my signs?
Did he still love me?
"You alright?" Merlin questioned, mimicking my position. I didn't answer—just let us both stare to the sky, thoughts beginning to protrude our minds.
"What happened?" I murmured.
"To you. You seem...different."
I saw Merlin scrunch his eyebrows in confusion, opening his mouth to reply, before closing it again in dumbfound shock.
"I remember you as a clumsy servant," I retaliated with a small smile.
Merlin replicated my expression. "Servant? Is that what I was?"
Giving a cheeky grin, I gave him a soft punch to the shoulder. "Yes. Although, you were terrible at the job—constantly complaining and stealing my food."
I just want him to remember.
After several more shared jokes, we quieted, deciding to gaze to the sky. The clouds were relaxed, following the air currents with eachother.
"Merlin," I mumbled.
"Do you think you'll ever remember anything?"
His eyes met mine—beautiful. They were glazed over with temptation and curiosity.
Had he wanted this?
Merlin let a smile etch onto his face. "I hope so."

A/N: Hello everybody! This chapter—unlike the others—isn't that depressing. (Which is a good thing? I don't know I'll let y'all decide.) Anyway; if y'all enjoyed this story so far, please leave a vote or comment! It would mean so much to me! Bye!

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