"Nothing Like This"

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His words were suddenly cut off by my lips. I guided Arthur, my motions gentle and welcoming with care. No matter how much this reoccurs, I will never get old of the feeling. It was seeping through my veins like electricity, as my head was bursting with such profound emotion, an array of colors puffing into multiple clouds of smoke.
It was beautiful.
I don't why I had craved Selma's kiss, because it was nothing like this. Arthur moved gentle and smooth with the motions. I internally chuckled. It was like he was practicing for this moment. How long had he'd been wanting this—waiting for this? My mind sought for a definite answer, but drew nothing to conclusion, just deciding to let my body focus in the heat of the moment.
And heated it was.
Arthur was like a current. Pulling me back in when I thought I could escape. Not that I had wanted to. He kept his hand firmly placed in my locks, sifting through the strands as if they were some fine material. I had to pull back for a quick breath, which was shortened when Arthur dragged me closer.
His lips tasted nice. They were sapid and full of leashed memories that had made an entrance through my mind when locked onto. Fluttering my eyes open, I watched as Arthur's twitched under their lids as he fought for a way to kiss me harder. I released a collected breath onto his face as I felt my eyes close once again, causing Arthur's nose to smash into mine, desperately clawing for more. Determined was an understatement for his expression right now.
Breathing was beginning to get easier to stumble on. I found myself clutching onto Arthur's shirt as a lifeline, drawing back for a gasp of air before my lips connected to his again, the intimacy climbing to the peaks of mountains. Arthur's hands started on my shoulders, sliding down sloppily as his mouth continued to smash against mine. When fingertips touched my palms, they twitched before I grasped tightly against Arthur's hands. The dire movements then suddenly reduced to soft and sweet motions, as his hand gently let go of mine, (not that it could've taken much strength—I was nearly paralyzed at this point) deciding to latch onto the small of my back, delicately rubbing up and down with his thumb. The act nearly made me pass out. My knees buckled, as Arthur then took hold of the gravity of the situation.
"Arthur," I rasped, heaving several gulps of air before a chuckle gurgled from his mouth as he continued to kiss me. The feeling was ineffable to my senses yet so familiar. I knew Arthur had kissed me before I had lost my memory, I just didn't remembering it felt this good.
"Merlin; I love when you say my name," he croaked, out of breath, before pulling me along with him. My eyes peeled open when I heard aloud noise emit from behind Arthur, as he cut his steps off, my body plunging against his. "I-It's okay," he tumbled out in a deep breath, his grip on my body now firm, as we proceeded to travel about the room, tripping over chairs and other furniture.
"Are you always this clumsy?" I mumbled with a smile against his lips.
He gasped for fresh air. "No. I usually left that trait for you."
I didn't know where we were staggering to; all I knew is that I couldn't bring my face away from Arthur's.


"Father," I greeted, giving a slight bow as he made an entrance to my chambers. My eyes danced about anxiously as my father peered at me, a small frown now washing over his face.
"Selma, I had expected far better from you," he then tutted after a moment of silence, striding over to me.
I gave a taut smile in reply, as I feigned a gaze of confusion. "What do you mean, father?"
"Don't play dumb with me, Selma. I asked for your loyalty and you lied." He paused to release a sigh. "What has overcome you to commence-"
"He's innocent!" I cut off, glaring at him intently. "You would kill a man just to assure yourself of the continued wealth and power! You are sick!"
And then it happened in a flash. I was aware of those golden eyes making an appearance in my vision like a cloud of smoke. The words tumbled off my father's lips with grace, ever so casually.
He had magic.
"Father; stop this nonsense!" I screeched with a feeble mouth.
The door shut with a silenced slam as he continued to advance on me. A malicious grin wiped over his face. "Oh, Selma. You should've been taught better." A glint of light was all that caught my eye before my father was within my reach, stalking me like prey. He gave a violent tug to my hair, as pain flickered throughout the injured area. I desperately clawed at his hands, trying to detangle them from my locks, as he just laughed in reply.
"I'll try to make this as painless as possible."
"No—it won't work! You won't succeed! I already showed the poison to King Merlin! He already knows-"
I didn't have the ability to fathom the inducement of this type of anguish. It laced from my brain like strings, threading down my body as connected veins. My eyes detected the sight of crimson. Gushing. Bleeding profusely. Dropping me, my father nonchalantly cleaned the bloodied dagger with his handkerchief. Feeling my lids drip with released liquid, I gazed with glossy eyes, clouds of black beginning to swarm into my vision.
"Oh, Selma," he tutted again, crouching down to analyze me. Squinting, a small smile made an appearance. It was like he was enjoying my death.
"You are sick," I tried to speak, only gasping in reply as blood gradually collected on the cold floor.
"You wouldn't think I would be that naive," he spoke, cutting off my fazed sentence. He chuckled as I closed my eyes. "The poison wasn't planned to end Arthur Pendragon's life, no."
It was getting harder to breathe—to reach my senses.
I was dying.
"No, it wasn't the poison, my dear Selma," he murmured to my still body. "It is my dagger. The same bloodied one I had used to kill you. And after his death will stupor the kingdom even more; for the next name on my list is King Merlin himself."

A/N: Hello everyone! So, this chapter took a drastic turn, I know! If you've enjoyed the book so far, please leave a vote or comment! It would mean so much to me! Thanks! Bye!

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