"The Cold, Hard Truth"

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I stood there, fixated on the flower Arthur had given me. My mind wanted to remember.
But it didn't have the ability to.
At night I would have some dreams that I silently wished turned into a reality. Some dreams were so vivid I thought they were locked memories being restored. But when I woke up, everything was gone. Everything was dull—boring—once again.
"Merlin? Are you in there?" Selma's voice came from outside of my chambers. I bit my lip, closing my eyes. She had kissed me. And I had allowed it. I wanted to strip my mind from that memory—that moment—full of pure desire and lust on her part. She had persuaded me into her cravings.
"What is it that you're looking for?" I replied, fingering one of the petals on the delicate beauty with tender motions. Arthur had given this to me. Three times.
"You," came the Princess's reply. I pondered on opening the door. Her tone wasn't serene. It wasn't angry either. She genuinely seemed concerned.
Her curls bobbed as she entered graciously. She was stunning. Her gown was embroidered with numerous stitchings of gold strands, some of which were weaved into the green silk of her dress. "Merlin," she started cautiously. Had she realized what she had done at the picnic was traumatizing? "I need to warn you," Selma continued, eyeing the doorway before promptly shutting it closed.
My pupils were trained on her, weary of any future actions she might take. "Warn?"
She nodded. "Yes. About King Keres."
I raised a brow. "Continue." My eyes danced about the room; but I was more collective—focused. A warning is a warning.
"He's planning to kill Arthur Pendragon."
My ears twitched upon hearing the sentence, as I stared her down. "Kill?" I scoffed. "Are you sure he wasn't talking rubbish of him instead?" Keres had taken a disinterest to Arthur at the banquet. He was the son of a magic abuser, afterall.
I watched silently as Selma trudged forward, searching my eyes for acceptance. "Merlin, I know what I did at the picnic was..."
"Obtuse?" I supplied.
"Direct," she corrected, managing to remain calm. "But please believe me on this. I wouldn't lie to you about your safety."
My eyes reduced to small slits. "Isn't that what you did at the picnic, though? Vouch that I was oh-ever-so-brave for risking my life to keep Arthur intact at the banquet?" I paused, seeing as she had shifted from my accusation. I sighed. She could be practicing apodyopsis for all I know. "How do I know this isn't just another one of your games, Selma? You're completely besotted and the energy's gone to your head."
I cut her off by standing up. She watched with a silent plead as I strode to the door.
"Merlin; you don't understand what is going to happen. He's going to kill the one you love most!"
My head whipped to face Selma, as I eyed her wearily. "What on earth are you on about, Selma?"
She breathed a tone of pity, before standing up, staring me down. "I know your feelings for the Fallen Prince," she spoke confidently.
"Nonsense," I muttered, trying to play it off by toying with the edge of my clothing nervously.
"I knew when you walked in I couldn't get to you. No matter how hard I tried. I saw the way Arthur had looked at you. And you to him." Selma sighed. "I stood no chance."
I bowed my head, face slightly flushed. "Then why did you try to win me?"
I could hear her gulp down the lump in her throat, as her mind sought for a sympathetic answer. Alas, nothing of correlation showed up.
So Selma told the cold, hard truth.
"It was because if I couldn't do so, this would happen. I knew my father was planning to kill Arthur all along."


I sat on my bed, biting my lip, curling and uncurling my fist. What Merlin had just told me was beyond absurd. The woman was psychotic.
"Are you sure she's not telling the truth?" I spoke after a few moments, glancing at Merlin's hardened features. His beauty had grown even more over the past years. His face was fuller, and muscle had grown on him. He wasn't clumsy anymore; he had become an illecebrous man with an agile mind.
"Why would she?" Merlin replied with a soft scoff. "Selma realized I wasn't returning her feelings and she became desperate. She was once coy but is now the exact opposite." He paused, taking his answer into account. Suspiring, he sat on the bed beside me, placing his hands in his hair. Playing with the curls, he whispered, "I don't know what to do."
He was deep in thought. I stared absentmindedly at him as he laced his brows in concentration, chewing on his lip. What if Selma had been right? What if King Keres was on his way to kill me right now?
"Even if she's speaking the truth, we have no proof," I said eventually, pulling Merlin from his thoughts.
"You're right," he agreed. "All we have is her word. Nothing else."
I suddenly stood with a confident gaze, striding to the door.
"Where are you going?" Merlin questioned, pulling his head up to face me.
"I'm going to find Selma."
His eyes widened upon hearing the name, as he let out a croaked "no". I stared at him, irritated. She wasn't going to kiss him again, I would make sure of that.
Was he perhaps scared of something else?
"Why not?"
"I just...can't. I can't see her right now."
I stared at him sternly. "Can't or won't?"
He opened his mouth to answer, but just found himself closing it instead, dumbfounded with the current question at hand.
"Look, Merlin," I said, walking back over to him. "I know you're not worried about her kissing you."
Merlin slowly nodded to statement.
I breathed an aggravated sigh. "Then what is it? Why are shying away from her appearance when she could be speaking the truth?" He didn't answer. "Merlin, look at me."
"Why not?"
"Because I can't."
Rolling my eyes dramatically, I threw my hands in the air, beyond annoyed with his attitude. "What is wrong with you? Do you not care whether I die or not?"
His eyes reached mine, a defeated gaze penetrating into my skull. "You know that's not true, Arthur," he murmured, his tone cracked at the end.
Gritting my teeth, I turned, stomping to the door, leaving Merlin in the dust. "Whatever. See if I care."
I was gone before I could hear him finish his sentence.

A/N: Hello everybody! Yes, this chapter is a little depressing, but I promise they'll make up! (Our children always make up) Anyway—if y'all enjoyed this story so far, please leave a vote or comment! It means a LOT to me! Thanks! Bye!

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