Chapter 1

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*Notice: Before you read, I would just like to say that when I wrote this book, I was young and I didn't know much. So when you read the first few chapters, there are some things that don't make sense, so I apologize for that. But when I have time (maybe when I finish the sequel?), I will do some major editing for this book. Thank you.

I was in my apartment 'room'. It wasn't exactly fancy, but it was the only one I could afford. The building from outside was beautiful, and so was the inside, as well as the apartment rooms.

Unfortunately, I didn't have a lot of money. So I asked for the room with the lowest price.

You're probably wondering why I say room with the quotations.

I guess I'll tell you.

It didn't start out as a room. I still don't consider it a room. I guess I have to tell the story now...

I finally had enough money to buy myself a room at an apartment building. At least I thought I did.

I went to the apartment building closest to where I work, which happened to be a martial arts dojo. I'm not the owner of the place, rather I work as an assistant to the owner.

My job isn't the best job in the world. It really just consists of getting ordered around by the son of a gun who owns the place, aka Howard, even though I'm supposed to being paid to teach the kids alongside him.

He teaches kids how to defend theirselves when in a tough situation. I get paid $20 everyday I work. When Howard is out sick, I teach the kids myself and get paid double, but that rarely happened much.

He's not a very kind person, and that's saying it lightly. I learned a lot from him, though. When he's not yelling at me to go across the street to get him a Pepsi, I stand in the corner watching the kids learn. The only thing Howard is good at is fighting. I've never seen anyone fight as good as him.

He's taught me a lot without even teaching me. Every night, I would go home and practice the lesson he taught the students that day. I don't know why I did it, but I had this feeling that I was going to need to know how to defend myself someday.

Anyway, when I got to the building, I stopped to stare at it. It had about 20 or more floors. The building was a light shade of red. I walked inside ready to push the doors open, but when I stepped in front of them, they opened automatically.

Once inside, I went to the front desk. There was a man and a woman behind it. The man looked bored out of his mind, staring blankly at a computer screen while playing Solitaire.

The woman was separating piles of paper. She had blond hair tied up in a painful-looking-bun. She wore glasses and makeup. She also had gigantic silver hoop earrings.

I waited until she was the first one to speak. I wasn't very good at starting conversations. When she finally noticed me, she looked up at me and I smiled.

"May I help you, Miss?" she asked.

"Yes, I would like to buy a room, please." I said politely.

"Of course. What kind of room would you like?"

"Um..." I said trying to think of what to say. I hadn't thought of it actually. Weren't all rooms the same?

"Is there a problem, Miss?"

"No, there's no problem."

"Alright then, what kind of room would you like?" She repeated.

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