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"Morning babe," Michael says, resting his arm across my shoulder, interrupting my conversation with Carter.  He was always doing this, interrupting my conversations, which is why him and his band were my only friends. But Carter was different. Carter had been my best friend since Kindy and she knew everything about me, and accepted all of it, even my annoying boyfriend.

"Well guess it's my turn to leave. Catch you in Bio, okay?" Carter asks. I nod as she walks backwards, bumping into a trashcan and a few pupils. "Later Mike." He nods at her and then props himself up on the lockers using his elbow.

"So, what did you do last night?" he asks as I gather my books for my classes and slam my locker shut. I had never told him about any of my nightly activities, yet he was always curious, so I had to lie.

"I just hung out at home with Carter for a bit. And you?" We began to walk down the hall, Michael saying hello to a few people as we walked past them. To be honest, some of the people Michael hung out with, other than his band, were either meth heads or drunks, so I tried to stay away from them, which was best. 

"We had a gig in town. Only like, fifty people showed up," he shrugs. "Which is normal, since it was a school night." That wasn't the only reason. Their music was okay, but the lyrics were all over the place, and people didn't like to listen to music without meaning. 

"Well if you would have told me, Carter and I could've swung by," I smile, nudging him with my elbow. 

"How about tonight? It's Friday, loads of people will be there. Should be fun. We could even maybe, you know, hang out after," he winks. 

"It's a good thing I love you or I would slap you," I laugh. "But yeah. Sure. We'll try to make it down there." 

"Great. See you at lunch." he kisses my lips longingly and then runs down the hall to catch up with one of his meth head friends. I sigh, deciding to find Carter so we can walk to Biology together, which wasn't the hardest thing to do. She was chatting, dare I say flirting, with one of Michael's friends, Ashton, who was a senior. 

"Carter, walk to Biology with me please," I beg. Ashton smiles at me and I get a dirty look from Carter.

"I guess you gotta get going. See you tonight at seven?" Ashton asks, his hands wrapped around one of the straps of his backpack. Carter nods, unable to speak, like she's gone completely mute. "Great. Catch you at lunch." 

"I think I have a date with Ashton," Carter says as we walk the short distance to Biology class. "Jesus Christ."

"Nah," I say, setting my book bag on the ground and sitting on my desk. "I was invited, too. I mean, it was how Michael and I started dating. Maybe Ashton wants you," I laugh as Carter's face goes red with embarrassment. I put my hand on her shoulder and grin. "D'awww, it's okay." Just as she was going to reply, Mr Trentwood came into the class, ordering for us to get to our seats and to quiet down. 

 "Ew, chicken nuggets. I'm buying a salad," Carter says, gagging as she takes her tray to the salad bar. I was all for nuggets and potato wedges. School lunches weren't the best lunches, but they were better than Lucky Charms cereral everyday.  

   I watch Carter walk over to where we normally sit, except today she sits next to Ashton instead of sitting across the table with me. I sigh. She must be really interested in him. "Wait, what do you mean 'Terry's out for the season'?" Carter asks as I sit down at the lunch table. She stabs her salad with her plastic fork, not getting many greens since the fork is plastic. 

"Apparently he can't play football anymore this season. He tore a muscle in his foot, I think," Ashton shrugs, biting into an apple that came from his sack lunch.

"Terry? Football star Terry?" I ask, shocked by the news. Ashton nods. "What are they gonna do?" I wasn't able to play football like I wanted to. I was too caught up with other things and the girls' team only picked players every other year.

"I'm going to be taking his place," Calum says, setting his tray down and sitting next to me. He smiles at me, excited to hear my response. Calum and I were good friends before Michael and I started dating. We both shared a love for Football, always watched games at sports bars together, and just generally got a long like we were brother and sister.

"Oh my god, Cal, that's amazing!" I say, hugging him. He nods his head, agreeing. "You gonna be offense?"

"Most likely. That doesn't bother me, either. I'm best at it. Even though it's not my favorite position to play..." he shrugs, digging in to the chicken nuggets. A bag is set down on the other side of me and I know that it's Michael, A because he always gets fast food, B because no one else sits that close to me, or even dares to pop my personal space bubble. No one but him.

"Hey gorgeous," he says, kissing my cheek.

"Hello," I smile, dipping a fry into some ketchup. "Did Calum tell you? Terry Parker has a real bad injury, will be out for the rest of the season. He's in!"

 "That's great, Calum," Michael mumbles, shooting Calum a glare which I don't fully understand. 

"What's the problem? Aren't you happy for your friend?" I ask, worried. He nods his head, even though he knows I know something is up. 

"Aren't you just worried that this might.... effect the band?" Michael asks, taking a cheeseburger out of his McDonald's bag. I stare at his food and pout. He sighs, handing me the bag and taking my tray of a nasty school lunch.

"Oh," Calum's head drops. "Guess I didn't really think about it."

"Hey, you'll figure something out," I pat his back and smile at him reassuringly. 

"I hope so. You guys coming tonight?" 

Here's chapter one! I hope to have at least 15-25 chapters in this story, with a minimum of 1,000 words. Tell me what you think below! (GIF of Everly to the side)

Edited November 5th, 2015:

you guys it's so weird reading my old stuff... like so weird. Do people like this? Oh man, who knows.

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