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I'm sitting in Michael's car, the heat blaring, my feet resting on his dashboard, the music loud. Michael was outside telling people goodbye and told me he would give me a ride home, since it would be a while for Ashton and Carter to leave. "If you know what I mean." Michael had said.

  Now I was jamming out to an old Pink Floyd song when Michael finally ended his conversations and buckled up inside of the car.

"So I have a question," I say, tapping my hand on my thigh.

"What's your question?" he asks, preparing to pull out of the spot he was parked in.

"I heard you and Ashton talking in the bathroom..." I trail off, looking at him to see if he's all right. His hands are clutching the steering wheel tightly and his body language is stiff, like he's hiding something. "And I just wanted to ask what you guys were doing tomorrow that's so important." I myself had a ceremony with the Governor and the four boys I worked with. I didn't really work with them, they just kind of showed up one day.

"It's nothing," he replies, his voice a low mumble. 

"Doesn't sound like nothing," I retort. "Come on, I tell you everything, Michael," lies. "Just trust me this one time, okay?" 

"Everly, I can't. I'm sorry babe," he smiles pathetically at me, hoping that I don't ask him any questions. I'm trying to put two and two together, and figure it out. "I'm protecting you by not telling you."

I have the ceremony tomorrow, Ashton said something about a ceremony.

Michael won't tell me anything about anything. 

He's 'protecting' me by not telling me.

 It was all too similar to me to be real.

 Then, I remember the stupid boy with the red cape;

 His hair is pale green and his eyes are the mesmerizing green that Michael's are. His lips, usually chapped, are deep red, like Michael's. But that's not all. The boy in the blue suit, his hair and voice reminds me of Ashton. It always has. The boy in black, his hair sticks straight up and he's as smart as Einstein, like Luke. Calum's favorite color is green, and he,too recently died his hair semi-blond.

"Michael pull over," I insist, earning a concerned glance from my boyfriend. I'm fuming by this point, which I know is irrational and probably not even worth it. "I'm going to walk home."

"What?" Michael asks, confused. "Ev, it's cold and dark. I don't want you to get hurt. Plus, your ankle..."

"You've been lying to me, Michael," I state, a little to calmly for his liking. When I get mad, I don't hulk out. It's more of a stern motherly kind of angry, and it's actually kind of scary. At least, Carter tells me it is. I start to exit the car, but Michael has the doors locked.

"Ev, I have no idea what you're talking about," Michael replies. I know it's a lie. It's all connecting now, all the dates he blew off for no reason, all the late movies, everything. 

"I know what you are, Michael," I retort, my hands clenched in my lap. "You better open this door right now or I'll scream."

"Everly," Michael sighs. "I don't know... I don't know what to say." 

"Nothing. Say absolutely nothing. Just unlock the doors. I can't believe you were going to ditch us..." I scoff, pulling at the door handle before it unlocks. I step out onto the curb, the pressure at my ankle hurting so bad that I almost step back into the car, but that would mean Michael would win.

 So instead, I storm off down the side walk, leaving him and his blank stares. I hear his car engine ignite again and watch as the car comes close to the curb. He rolls down his window to speak to me.

"You probably hate me right now, and I don't blame you, but I'm only doing this so you get home safe. It's dark and it's a weekend and you have no idea how many crazy people there actually are out at this hour of the night." My foot limps behind me, not as bad as it was earlier, but the pain is so intense that I take off my heels and throw them into his car.

"I'm perfectly capable," I retort, trudging along the sidewalk with my bare feet. "Go away." he doesn't listen to me and my request, just turns his music up and continues to follow me.


   When I finally get to my house, the porch light is on and Michael turns his music down.

"You have permission to hate me," he says, his voice cracking. "But that doesn't mean I don't love you. I'll see you tomorrow." he speeds off down the road and I sit on a step that leads into my house.

"No you won't," I mumble, resting my head in my hand. The tears have begun to fall down my face rapidly, and I hope and pray that my dad walks out of the house with a bowl of ice cream, a heating pad, and a blanket, but that won't happen, because he's in prison. "I need you so much right now, daddy." I whisper to the sky, sobs engulfing my words. 

  My mum is sitting on the screen porch, listening to everything I say, watching the tears fall down my face. She's reading a Nicholas Sparks love story when I trudge into the screened in porch and sit on the swing. She wraps a blanket around my shoulders and pulls me close to her.

"Boys are stupid," I mumble, salty tears falling onto my lips. "Why do they lie?"

"Well, to be fair sweetie, you've been lying, too," she replies, stroking my hair. 

"But mum, I don't ditch him for it. I don't even give excuses," I retort. "I hate him."

"No you don't," she replies. "You don't hate him. He's a good boy who made bad decisions. He's human."

"I thought I loved him. I thought that after college we were going to get married and be together forever."

"Life's not always the fairy tale we see it as, darling. But I'm sure you'll change your mind after a good night of rest." 

"Unlikely." and just like that, she sends me to bed, makes me a warm cup of tea and kisses my forehead.

"You'll figure it out in the morning."

sorry it's been a while for me to post in this. I've been writing something that is very exciting for me and I love it! Go check out Black!! xoxo

Edited November 6th, 2015:

Jesus Everly why are you such a hypocrite.... like honestly gurl you've been lying too. so stay in ur lane. ALSO kinda rewrote this because Ev was a little TOOOO Hypocritical so, there.

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