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"So are you coming or not?" Carter asks over the phone, just as I apply a coat of red lipstick to my lips. "I need to know like, right now because I'm almost at your house."

"Yes, Carter. I'm going. But don't tell the boys. Don't even tell Ashton. I just want to show up like 'surprise! Let's make out!'." I tell her, grabbing my high tops and running down the steps. I wave to my mom and rush out the door, sitting on the concrete steps, waiting for Carter. Carter laughs at the end of the line.

"Okay, okay. I'm turning onto your road now. See you in a bit!" she hangs up the phone, after thirty minutes of asking me the same question over and over.

I pull on my sneakers and double knot them quickly before Carter pulls in next to the curb. I run down the patch of grass and hop into her car, buckling my seat belt.

"Dang, you didn't tell me you were going to look hot! I look like a hot mess!" Carter laughs, complimenting my outfit. "Oh, and I told Ashton."


"Sorry! It just sort of slipped up. But he swore not to tell. He doesn't want to ruin your plan," Carter takes the time to turn and look at me, nearly hitting a small child that runs into the road to retrieve his basketball.

"You need to be more careful," I tell her, after calming down from my freak out. She sucks in air through her teeth and perks her eyebrows up.

"Have you thought of what you're going to say to Michael when you see him?" she asks, tapping her fingers on the steering wheel to the soft tune that booms throughout the car. I shrug.

"I don't know, honestly. I'll probably just be begging him to love me again," I laugh, even though it's not funny.

"You can do it, I know you can," Carter smiles, pulling into the parking lot. "The show doesn't start for another ten minutes. I'll go in and talk to Ash, hopefully making them think that you're not coming." I nod my head. "You come in a couple minutes after they start. And bring my keys with you." she tosses me her car keys and slams the door on me, waving her fingers.

The air becomes thick and cool, like it always does when you turn a car off. This waiting's going to be the most excruciating part of my whole entire night. The longer I sit here, the more anxious I become. I hum a tune in my head, trying to keep myself calm. I twiddle my thumbs, tap my feet, close my eyes and think of something else, anything to get my mind off of what's about to go down.

It's been a little over two months since Michael and I last talked, and I've regretted every moment. I miss his sweet words, his warm hugs, his delicate kisses, his witty sense of humor, and even the annoying callouses on his fingers. All of those things added together made the boy I fell in love with. For a while, I didn't know what love was. I didn't know if Michael was 'just the bad boy phase' like my mom had told me countless times before. But I did know that there was something different about him. Something that separated him from everyone else. I had no desire to see anyone or date anyone, because Michael was the only one I ever wanted. Ever.

At exactly 9 o'clock, I hear music beginning to play from inside the pub. They had gotten better over the month of me not going to their shows. Only a little bit better, though. Their songs still had no meaning.

I jump out of Carter's car and lock it, my hands shaking with anxiety, and also because it's cold out. My mind is racing with so many scenarios. Either Michael will be happy, sad, angry, or a little bit of every emotion.

Carefully and as quiet as possibly can, I waltz into the pub and sit at the bar with my back facing the crowd.

"Can I get a ginger beer please?" I ask the bartender, who snorts a laugh. 

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