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It didn't take long for me to arrive at the scene of an active robbery. But this wasn't your average robbery; this was a Dr. Denver robbery. His villian name was utterly stupid, that is, for a clever man with a side kick that could crush a kitten with her fist.  "Oh hey, long time no see," I say, a wicked grin on my face.

"Echo," says his side-kick, Marge. She had stopped stuffing bags with hundred dollar bills at a fast rate.  She was walking over to me, her heeled boots thudding on the floor, the leather of her outfit sitting snug on her skin, making her curves visible. She reminded me of Mia from Pulp Fiction. 
"Hello," I smirk, twirling my hair at the ends of my fingers. "What are you doing?" 
"What does it look like we're doing?" Dr. Denver asks, as if it were a rhetorical question. 

"Whatever it is, I'm going to stop you," I hear someone say behind me. I turn around, and see the four boys I didn't want to see. 
"Excuse me," I say, turning to look at them and popping my hip. "I've got this."
"Trust me," the one with the stupid red cape says. "You don't. Now duck!" his fist goes over my head and I hear the thud of his bones hitting someone in the face, who I suspect to be Marge.

"You said that last time, but guess who ended up chained to a pole," I shout, running after Dr. Denver who was heading for the stairs to the roof. 

"Just let her go!" I hear one of the four boys say, footsteps following.  Dr. Denver has both of the bags filled with cash, that just so happened to be unzipped. Bills were flying everywhere as I zoomed up the steps to keep up with him.  The sun had begun to set outside, making everything look pink. Dr. Denver ran to the edge and turned back to me, breathing heavily.

"What are you going to do?" he asks, spitting with every word. He had finally cracked. "Freeze me?" he began to laugh, which turned into a cackle. He dropped the bags and knelt down, hands over his face. "Do it." 
"What?" I ask, shocked and confused. "No. I'm going to call the police to take you to get help." he laughs again, staring at me with tears in his eyes. 
"I'd rather you kill me," he says. Although I was amongst the special group of people that protected the city. 

"I'm not going to do that, Dr. Denver. I'm going to get you help. I hear the helicopter coming now," I say grabbing the bags of money and setting them far away. 

"Get out of my way," I hear the boy with the stupid red cape breathe. 

"No," I cross my arms, guarding Dr. Denver. He was staring at the gravel and the dead bugs that collected on the rooftop.

"Miss," he started.


"Miss Echo, you do realize that this man is highly dangerous and could potentially kill you, especially with your back turned, right?" I nod. "And you do realize that he has stolen billions of dollars from thousands of banks around the world and has murdered?" I nod again. "So why are you trying to protect him?"

"Because he asked for help. And that's what I'm going to do; get him help."
"This city needs help. Not some sleazeball with a criminal record." I was getting fed up with red cape's attitude. I was just trying to get the man help. "Now, if you'll excuse me," he starts to push me out of the way after popping his knuckles. I grab both of his wrists and watch as he stares at me in pain, probably from the immense shock from the cold.

"If you lay a hand on him, I will have you arrested, as well," I whisper in his ear, releasing his wrists forcefully. He steps back and rubs his wrists, staring at me like I'm a fly that he's trying to kill.

   I hear the helicopter and look up at the sky, watching it come near us and land on the roof. Two men in swat suits rush over to us with handcuffs, followed by a very important man in a suit; Captain James Grimshaw.

"Thank you for calling us. We understand that he shows signs of psychotic behaviors?" he asks me. I nod, brushing my hair out of my face. I watch as the two men in swat uniforms handcuff Dr. Denver and drag him to the helicopter, strapping him inside.

"He wanted me to kill him. I said I wasn't going to do it. Unlike red cape over here," I point behind me at the boy that I still didn't know the name of.
"New partner?" asks Captain Grimshaw. My eyes go wide and then dart to the door that leads back into the building where four boys come rushing through.

"Dude, you're never going to guess what happened. That girl was like-" the boy in the tight blue suit stops mid-sentence and saluted Captain Grimshaw, making him laugh. 

"I'll take that as a no," says Captain Grimshaw.  "Well, thanks again. Have a great evening."
"Wait. Where are you taking  him?" I ask. He stares at me for a long time before looking back at the helicopter. 

"The mental ward in Liverpool, England. They can handle him better there. He'll be locked up most of his days, but he'll be fine. Don't worry. You did the right thing," he pats my shoulder and thanks me again, running to the helicopter. I watch as it takes off into the sky. 

"Okay now, are you going to tell me who you are now, or....?" I put my hands on my hips and stare at them, awaiting their answers.

"Well, can't you tell? We're kind of like the incredibles," the boy in the lime green suit says. I scoff.

"Like the children's movie?" They nod. 

"Well, not exactly, but close enough," says the boy in the tight blue suit.

"And what can you do? Talk non-stop? Kill my thunder?" I ask, quirking my eyebrows and licking my lips that were stained with red lipstick.

"Well, MJ here's got mind powers," tight blue suit says, pointing to the boy in the red cape. So his name is MJ. "Creep here can run faster than a cheetah. Oh and he likes green," he smiles and raises his eyebrows, as if he's annoyed. "H. Robert is a mad genius. Seriously." the boy with all black on, except for his silver eye mask, crosses his arms. "And well, as for myself, I have super strength." he flexes his muscles, as if it would impress me. "What are you?"

"I freeze things. Just ask your buddy MJ," I say, picking at the fingernail polish on my nails. I only then realized my commitments for the evening. "Nice chat but uh, I've got to run. Maybe you'll steal my thunder next time. Ciao!" I jump from the building and land perfectly on my feet, rushing to my car. 

i really like this chapter 0_o 

MJ like Spiderman but not really. yep. okay goodbye! Happy Hump Day! 

Edited Novembeer 5th, 2015:

What was I thinking with these names.... smh

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